- STEP 1 기본문 자동화하기

01. [S + V] My wife disappeared.

Why are you late? 왜 늦었죠?

My alarm didn't ring. 알람이 안 울렸어요.

My car didn't start. 차 시동이 안 걸렸어요.

My transportation card didn't work. 교통카드가 작동이 안 됐어요.

My bus didn't stop. 버스가 정차를 안 했어요.

My wife disappeared. 아내가 없어졌어요.

You're a big liar! 이런 순 거짓말쟁이!

02. [S + V(have동사) + N] I have a black eye.

What's wrong? 무슨 일이에요?

I have a high fever. 열이 펄펄 끓어요.

I have a runny nose. 콧물이 나와요.

I have a stiff neck. 목이 뻣뻣해요.

I have a black eye. 눈에 멍이 들었어요.

I have athlete's foot. 무좀에 걸렸어요.

Don't be a crybaby! 엄살 좀 그만 부려!

03. [S + Be verb + Adj + N] She is a quick learner.

Why are you so proud of your daughter? 따님을 왜 그렇게 자랑스러워 하나요?

She is a good student. 공부를 잘하거든요.

She is a good listener. 다른 사람 말을 잘 들어주거든요.

She is a great cook. 요리를 정말 잘하거든요.

She is a quick learner. 뭐든지 빨리 배우거든요.

You're a big fan of your daughter! 딸 바보시군요.

04. [S + V + N(sb) + N(sth)] I will give you a ride.

If I marry you, what will you do for me? 만약 내가 당신과 결혼한다면, 당신을 날 위해 무엇을 해줄건가요?

I will give you a shoulder massage. 어깨를 주물러 줄게.

I will give you a ride to work. 회사까지 태워다 줄게.

I will make you breakfast. 아침밥을 차려 줄게.

I will throw you a surprise party. 깜짝 파티를 열어 줄게.

I will buy you a designer bag. 명품 가방을 사 줄게.

Put it in writing! 각서 써!

05. [S + V(상태변화동사) + Adj ①] I get naked.

When you get drunk, what happens? 술 취하면 무슨일이 생기나요?

I turn red. 얼굴이 빨개져요.

I become talkative. 수다스러워져요.

I fall asleep. 잠들어버려요.

I get lost. 길을 못 찾아요.

I get naked. 옷을 다 벗어요.

Let's hit another place! 2차 갑시다!

06. [S + V(감각동사) + Adj ②] It tastes funny.

How do you like my cake? 내 케이크 어때요?

It looks ugly. 모양이 별로예요.

It looks cheap. 싸구려 같아요.

It feels hard. 만져보니 딱딱해요.

It smells rotten. 상한 냄새가 나요.

It tastes funny. 맛이 이상해요.

Your hurt my feelings! 상처다!

07.  [S + V + N + Adj] You make my life difficult.

제가 뭘 잘못했나요? What did I do wrong?

You always keep the desk messy. 책상을 늘 지저분하게 해놓고 다니잖아.

You always leave the computer on. 컴퓨터를 늘 켜놓고 다니잖아.

You always leave the fridge open. 냉장고를 늘 열어놓고 다니잖아.

You always leave the gas tank empty. 기름이 늘 떨어진 채로 다니잖아.

You always make my life difficult. 내 인생을 늘 고단하게 만들잖아.

There you go again! 또 시작이군!

08. [S + Adv(빈도부사) + V] He always pays for our dates.

What is your dream boyfriend like? 당신의 꿈의 남자친구는 어떤 사람입니까?

He always pays for our dates. 항상 데이트 비용을 내요.

He usually drives me home. 대개 저를 집에 태워다 줘요.

He often takes me to romantic restaurants. 종종 저를 분위기 있는 식당에 데려가요.

He rarely forgets anniversaries. 기념일을 잊는 법이 거의 없어요.

He never flirts with other women. 다른 여자에게 절대 치근덕거리지 않아요.

Dream on! 꿈 깨!

09. [S + V(동사구) + Adv ①] You should go straight.

Do you have something to say? 할 말 있으세요?

You should put your seatbelt on tight. 안전벨트를 꽉 매야지.

You should go straight. 직진해야지.

You should turn left. 좌회전 해야지.

You should not drive too fast. 과속하면 안 되지.

You should step on the brake hard. 브레이크를 꽉 밟아야지.

I've had enough! 1절만 하시죠!

10. [S + V(동사구) + Adv(시간 부사구) ②] I work out every other day.

How is your diet going? 당신의 다이어트는 어떻게 되어가나요?

I have been eating less all week. 일주일 내내 소식 중이에요.

I work out every other day. 이틀에 한 번은 운동해요.

I go hiking twice a month. 한 달에 두 번은 등산을 가요.

I'm avoiding sweets for the time being. 당분간 단것은 안 먹고 있어요.

I won't drink from now on. 지금부터는 금주할 거예요.

Only your face got thin! 얼굴 살만 빠졌네요!

11. [S + V + N + Adv(장소 부사구)] You have it in your hand.

Where's the remote control? 리모컨 어디 있어?

You left it on the table. 식탁 위에 두셨잖아요.

You threw it on the sofa. 소파에 던지셨잖아요.

You dropped it on the floor. 바닥에 떨어뜨리셨잖아요.

You put it in your pocket. 주머니에 넣으셨잖아요.

You have it in your hand. 손에 들고 계시잖아요.

My memory is getting worse. 건망증이 심해져!

12. [There + Be verb + N + Adv(장소 부사구)] There’s a run in your stocking.

Why are you laughing? 왜 웃고 있죠?

There's a run in your stocking. 스타킹에 올이 나갔어요.

There's a kimchi stain on your blouse. 블라우스에 김칫국물이 묻었어요.

There's chili powder between your teeth. 치아 사이에 고춧가루가 끼었어요.

There are bird droppings on your head. 머리에 새똥이 묻었어요.

There's a watermelon seed under your nose. 코 밑에 수박씨가 붙었어요.

It's my mole! 점이거든요!

13. [S + Be verb + Prep/Adv] Mr. Kim is on vacation.

Where is Mr. Kim? Mr. Kim은 어디에 있나요?

He's out of the office. 자리에 없는데요.

He's in a meeting. 회의 갔는데요.

He's at lunch. 점심 먹으러 갔는데요.

He's out on business. 외근 나갔는데요.

He's on vacation. 휴가 갔는데요.

Clear out your desk now! 당장 책상 빼!

14. [Be verb + S ~?] Isn’t he a banker?

My father is poor at math. 제 아버지는 수학을 못하세요.
Isn't he a banker? 은행원 아니에요?

My mother is a terrible cook. 제 어머니는 요리를 정말 못하세요.
Isn't she a homemaker? 전업주부 아니에요?

My brother is not good at sports. 제 오빠는 운동을 영 못해요.
Isn't he an athlete? 운동선수 아니에요?

My sisters are bad dressers. 제 언니들은 옷을 못 입어요.
Aren't they designers? 디자이너들 아니에요?

I'm not funny at all. 저는 전혀 안 웃겨요.
Aren't you a comedian? 개그맨 아니세요?

No one is perfect! 허물 없는 사람은 없잖아요!

15. [Do verb + S ~?] Does it fit?

Does it fit? 잘 맞나요?
It fits perfectly. 완벽하게 맞아요?

Does it look good? 잘 어울리나요?
It looks great. 아주 잘 어울려요.

Does it come in a different color? 다른 색상도 나오나요?
That color is the best for you. 그 색상이 가장 잘 어울려요.

Does it come in a larger size? 더 큰 사이즈도 나오나요?
That size is right. 그 사이즈가 잘 맞는데요.

Does it go well with my jeans? 제 청바지와 잘 어울리나요?
It's a perfect match. 완벽하게 어울려요.

You're a born salesperson! 타고난 판매원이시군요!

16. [의문사 + Be verb ~?] How big was the company?

How long was the interview? 인터뷰는 얼마나 걸렸어요?
It took almost an hour. 거의 한 시간 걸렸어요.

How big was the company? 회사 규모는 어느 정도였어요?
It was a small firm. 작은 회사였어요.

How far was it from home? 댁에서 거리가 얼마나 됐어요?
It took half an hour by bus. 버스로 30분 걸렸어요.

How many applicants were there? 지원자는 몇 명이었어요?
I'm not sure. 잘 모르겠어요.

What was your first impression of the boss? 상사 분에 대한 첫인상은 어땠어요?
He seemed friendly. 친절한 것 같아요.

Don't jump to conclusions! 속단은 금물이에요!

17. [의문사 + Do verb ~?] How do you like married life?

Why did you get married so young? 왜 그렇게 어린 나이에 결혼하셨어요?
We were in love. 사랑에 빠졌었어요.

Where did you set up your new home? 신접살림은 어디에 차리셨어요?
Near my office. 회사 근처에요.

What do you think about your in-laws? 시부모님은 어떠세요?
They could be worse. 이만하길 다행이에요. (더 나쁠 수 있었는데)

How do you like married life? 결혼생활은 어떠세요?
It couldn't be better. 이보다 더 좋을 순 없을 거예요.

How often do you go out with your husband? 남편분과 얼마나 자주 데이트하세요?
Never. 절대 안해요.

That's married life! 결혼 생활이 다 그렇죠!

18. [의문사 + Have verb + S + p.p. ~?] Where else have you traveled?
have+p.p.(a present participle, 현재 분사) : 현재 완료

What have you been up to? 그 동안 뭐하며 지냈어요?
I was on vacation in Australia. 호주에서 휴가를 보냈어요.

How many times have you been there? 거기에는 몇 번이나 가보셨어요?
It was my first time. 처음 가 본 거였어요.

How long have you been gone? 얼마 동안 가 계셨어요?
I was away for a week. 일 주일 동안 가 있었어요.

Where else have you traveled? 또 어디 여행해 보셨어요?
I've traveled all around the world. 전세계를 여행해 봤어요.

Have you ever flown first class? 일등석 타본적 있으세요?
I do it all the time. 항상 타요.

The game doesn't count! 게임은 게임일 뿐이죠!

19. [의문사 + Would ~?] How would you like your steak?

Where would you like to sit? 어디에 앉으시겠어요?
By the window, please. 창가 옆이요.

What would you like to drink? 음료는 뭐로 하시겠어요?
A glass of water, please. 물 한 잔 주세요.

How would you like your steak? 스테이크는 얼만큼 익혀 드릴까요?
Medium well, please. 미디엄 웰이요.

When would you like your dessert? 후식은 언제 드릴까요?
A bit later, please. 조금 후에요. Right away, please. 지금 바로요.

Would you like anything else? 더 필요한거 있으세요?
Just the bill, please. 그냥 계산서 주세요.

What about my tip? 제 팁은요?

20. [의문사 + V ~?] What brought you here?

What brought you here? 무슨 일로 오셨나요?
I'm aching all over. 온 몸이 쑤셔요.

What hurts the most? 어디가 가장 아프세요?
My back aches a lot. 허리가 많이 아파요.

What happened to you? 무슨 일이 있었나요?
I had a car accident. 교통 사고가 났어요.

What caused the accident? 왜 사고가 났나요? (무엇이 사고를 일으켰나요?)
I was driving drunk. 음주운전을 했어요.

You deserve it! 자업자득이군요!


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