8월, 2017의 게시물 표시


- STEP 6 이야기 서술하기 [TAKE] She was taking a train. [GET] She got a shock. [HAVE] She had a brilliant idea. [MAKE] The police made it in time. [GIVE] He gave it his best shot. [DO] The medicine did nothing. [BREAK] He broke the record. [PUT] She put aside some money. [RUN] The cars ran into the railings. [TURN] The lady turned into a hero. [GO] The ostrich went wild. [KEEP] He wanted to keep the money. [COME] He came a long way. [BRING] The toy brought him good luck. [LEAVE] A coin was left in his stomach. [FALL] One of his teeth fell out. [LET] He decided to let it go. [WORK] Things worked against him. [CATCH] He was caught in the hole. [HOLD] He held his breath.


- STEP 5 틀린 그림 찾기 [접촉의 ON] The baby is on his back. [진행의 ON] The ferry is on fire. [이탈의 OFF] The phone is off the hook. [공간, 상태의 IN] The clothes are in order. [방식, 착용의 IN] The pigeons are in pairs. [부족, 이탈의 OUT] The ATM is out of cash. [한 지점의 AT] It’s at the end of the corridor. [포물선 형태의 OVER] The dogs are fighting over a bone. [위치, 영향의 UNDER] The traffic is under control. [상승의 UP] The sun is up. [하강의 DOWN] The blinds are down. [동시상황의 WITH] She’s yawning with her hands clasped. [목표 지점의 TO] They’re singing face to face. [출발 지점의 FROM] He’s dressed in black from head to toe. [근접, 방식의 BY] Shoes are arranged by type. [단위의 OF] She’s weighing a bag of vegetables. [전체의 일부를 나타내는 OF] Neither of them has a pierced nose. [맞서는 AGAINST] They’re running against the wind. [가로지르는 ACROSS] She’s pulling a bag across the road. [위치 전치사] The cups are in the left corner.


- STEP 4 방법 설명하기 [Verb + ON] Hold on tight! [Verb + OFF] Take off the light cover. [Verb + IN] Try not to cut in line. [Verb + INTO] Look into your rearview mirror. [Verb + OUT] Bring out the cake. [Verb + AT] Aim at the hole. [Verb + UP] Fill up the car. [Verb + DOWN] Calm down. 사무실에 불이 났어요. 먼저 뭘 해야 하죠? There's a fire in the office. What do I do first? 심호흡을 하며 진정하세요. First, take a deep breath and calm down. 두 번째로 뭘 해야 하죠? What do I do second? 엘리베이터가 고장일지 모르니 계단을 이용하세요. Second, use the stairs because the elevator may break down. 또 뭘 해야 하나요? What else do I do? 넘어질지 모르니 계단을 뛰어 내려가지 마세요. Also, don't run down the stairs because you may fall down. 그 다음에는요? What do I do next? 1층에 내려가면, 119에 신고하세요. When you get down to the first floor, call 119. 그러면 어떻게 될까요? Then, what will happen? 소방관들이 당신을 실망시키지 않을거예요. Then, firefighters won't let you down. 다시는 불장난 하지 마세요. Never play with fire again! [Verb + FOR] Pay for her drinks. 술집에서 즐거운 밤을 보내고 싶어요. 먼저 뭘 해


- STEP 3 절 단위로 연결하기 [~가 틀림없어] I bet he has another girl. [~일지 모르겠어] I wonder if I can get more pocket money. [언제인지 기억이 안 나요] I don’t remember when I threw up. [~해야 할지 모르겠어] I don’t know what to say. [~인 것 같아요] It looks like he has his father’s smile. [실은 말이죠] The truth is I always mess up interviews. [~한 여자애] The girl who stalked me. [~한 게 있나요?] Is there anything you want me to sing? [그런 식으로 ~하는 거예요] That’s how the police make a fortune. [~만 하시면 됩니다] All you have to do is get financial counseling. [최근에 ~한 게 언제죠?] When was the last time you wiped the floor? [~해서 열 받아요] I’m mad that my favorite player struck out. [~한 지 좀 됐어요] It’s been a while since you were in shape. [~해도 될까요?] Would you mind if I missed the company get-together? [아무리 ~해도] No matter how hard I work, I never get a promotion. [~하지 말았어야 했는데] I shouldn’t have shown off. [~라면 좋을 텐데] I wish I could sleep as late as I want. [~하면 어쩌지?] What if my senior officer picks on me? [보기보다 ~해요] The facility is better t


- STEP 2 구 단위로 확장하기 01. [S + Be verb + p.p. ①] My car was towed. 주어+be동사+과거분사(P.P. = past participle) : 주어가 어떤 동작을 당하는 상태 You look upset. What happened? 당신은 기분이 상해 보여요. 무슨일 있었나요? My cell phone was broken. 핸드폰이 고장 났어요. My pants were torn. 바지가 찢어졌어요. (tear 찢다.) My car was towed. 차가 견인됐어요. An important paper was lost. 중요한 서류가 없어졌어요. The baseball game was sold out. 야구 표가 매진됐어요. It isn't your day! 일진이 사납군요! 02. [S + Be verb + (감정형용사)p.p. ②] I was interested in the prize drawing. Did you do more shopping? 쇼핑을 더 하려고 했나요? I was pleased with the super sale price. 파격 할인가가 맘에 들었거든요. I was surprised at the wide selection. 품목이 다양해서 놀랐거든요. I was satisfied with the after sales service. 애프터서비스가 만족스러웠거든요. I was impressed by the customer feedback. 상품평이 인상적이었거든요. I was interested in the prize drawing. 경품 추첨에 관심이 갔거든요. I should cancel our internet service! 인터넷을 끊어버려야겠어! 03. [S + V(get) + N + p.p.] I’ll get my nails done. get + 목적어 + 과거분사 : 목적어를 어떻게 하다. Do you have