- STEP 3 절 단위로 연결하기
[~가 틀림없어] I bet he has another girl.
[~일지 모르겠어] I wonder if I can get more pocket money.
[언제인지 기억이 안 나요] I don’t remember when I threw up.
[~해야 할지 모르겠어] I don’t know what to say.
[~인 것 같아요] It looks like he has his father’s smile.
[실은 말이죠] The truth is I always mess up interviews.
[~한 여자애] The girl who stalked me.
[~한 게 있나요?] Is there anything you want me to sing?
[그런 식으로 ~하는 거예요] That’s how the police make a fortune.
[~만 하시면 됩니다] All you have to do is get financial counseling.
[최근에 ~한 게 언제죠?] When was the last time you wiped the floor?
[~해서 열 받아요] I’m mad that my favorite player struck out.
[~한 지 좀 됐어요] It’s been a while since you were in shape.
[~해도 될까요?] Would you mind if I missed the company get-together?
[아무리 ~해도] No matter how hard I work, I never get a promotion.
[~하지 말았어야 했는데] I shouldn’t have shown off.
[~라면 좋을 텐데] I wish I could sleep as late as I want.
[~하면 어쩌지?] What if my senior officer picks on me?
[보기보다 ~해요] The facility is better than it looks.
[본 것 중에서 가장 ~해요] It has the most attentive staff I’ve ever seen.


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