- STEP 4 방법 설명하기
[Verb + ON] Hold on tight!
[Verb + OFF] Take off the light cover.
[Verb + IN] Try not to cut in line.
[Verb + INTO] Look into your rearview mirror.
[Verb + OUT] Bring out the cake.
[Verb + AT] Aim at the hole.
[Verb + UP] Fill up the car.

[Verb + DOWN] Calm down.
사무실에 불이 났어요. 먼저 뭘 해야 하죠?
There's a fire in the office. What do I do first?
심호흡을 하며 진정하세요.
First, take a deep breath and calm down.
두 번째로 뭘 해야 하죠?
What do I do second?
엘리베이터가 고장일지 모르니 계단을 이용하세요.
Second, use the stairs because the elevator may break down.
또 뭘 해야 하나요?
What else do I do?
넘어질지 모르니 계단을 뛰어 내려가지 마세요.
Also, don't run down the stairs because you may fall down.
그 다음에는요?
What do I do next?
1층에 내려가면, 119에 신고하세요.
When you get down to the first floor, call 119.
그러면 어떻게 될까요?
Then, what will happen?
소방관들이 당신을 실망시키지 않을거예요.
Then, firefighters won't let you down.
다시는 불장난 하지 마세요.
Never play with fire again!

[Verb + FOR] Pay for her drinks.
술집에서 즐거운 밤을 보내고 싶어요. 먼저 뭘 해야 하죠?
I want to have a fun night at a bar. What do I do first?
주용한 구석 자리를 찾으세요.
First, search for a quiet corner seat.
What do I do second?
술집에서 가장 아름다운 여성을 찾으세요.
Second, look for the most gorgeous woman in the bar.
What do I do after that?
여자의 술값을 내세요.
After that, pay for her drinks.
Then, what do I do?
여자에게 전화번호를 알려달라고 하세요.
Then, ask for her phone number.
What do I do last?
여자에게 홀딱 반하게 된다면 한번 부딪혀 보세요.
Last, if you fall for her, go for it.
저와 결혼해 주시겠어요?
Will you marry me?

[Verb + AWAY] Stay away from clothing stores.

[Verb + ASIDE] Set aside some time to pack.
[Verb + BACK] Send back the bill.
[Verb + FORWARD] Try not to lean forward.
[Verb + AHEAD] Plan ahead.
[Verb + AFTER] Clean up after your dog.
[Verb + AROUND] Shop around for hiking gear.
[Verb + THROUGH] Don’t sleep through the alarm.
[Verb + OVER] Get over it.
[Verb + TO] Stick to your budget.
[Verb + WITH] Put up with all her complaints.


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