스피킹 챌린지 II - Unit 20. Apartment ( will, would, could ) - asking for favors

Dialogue #1

Hey Pat, I'm really sorry to be asking this, but could you lend me some money?

Sure, how much do you need?

I just need about 50 dollars to get me through the week. / 지나가다. 통과하다.

Don't worry about it. You can pay me back whenever you can. / 돈을 갚다. 복수하다.

Thanks. You're a life-saver.

Don't mention it.(별말씀을.)

Dialogue #2

Hey, Pat. Here's the money. Thanks a lot. You really helped me out.

No problem. You would have done the same. / 너도 똑같이 했을거야.

Is there anything I could do for you?

Well, would you mind helping me with some of my homework?
You know the subject a lot better than me.

Sure! I will help you right after my class tonight.


Language Focus

Asking for favors (호의) / 부탁하다.

Part I : How to ask for favros ~해 주시겠어요?
Will you ~ ?      (please) clean my room?
Would you ~ ?  (please) do me a favor?         
Can you ~ ?      (please) tell me why? / where? / who?
Could you ~ ?   (please) get me some water?
                          (please) help me with it?

Part II : How to give offers ~하시겠어요?
Would you like ~ ?            some water?
(Do you want ~)
Would you like to ~ ?        go catch a movie? / see a movie?
(Do you want to ~)
Would you like me to ~ ?  help you?
(Do you want me to ~)
내가 ~했으면 하나요?

Key Sentences

1. Would you please step aside for me? / slow down / speed up
    길 좀 비켜주실래요?

2. Will you look after my dog? while I'm out of town?
          watch after / take care
    내가 지방에 가 있을 때 내 개 좀 돌봐줄래?
    Sure / Of course / Certainly

3. Can you tell me who caused the accident?
                              who wrote it? / who said that? / who said romur? / who did that?
    그 사고 누가 냈는지 말해줄래?

4. Would you like to have a day off? / Can I take a day off?
    내일 하루 휴가내고 싶나요?

5. Will you please pass me the salt? / the pepper(후추) / the vinegar(식초) / mustard(겨자)
    소금 좀 건네주시겠어요?

Speaking practice

1. 내 부탁 좀 들어줄래요?
    Will you do me a favor?

2. 명동에 어떻게 가는지 좀 알려주실래요?
    Could you (possibly) tell me how to get to Myeong-dong?

3. 물 한잔 갖다 주시겠어요?
     Would you get me a glass of water?

4. 그녀가 나를 위해 선생님에게 말할거예요.
    She will speak to the teacher for me.


Key Expressions

Please call me whenever it's possible.
가능할 때 언제든 연락주세요.

You can go home whenever you want to.
네가 원할 때 언제든 집에 갈 수 있다.

I will be there whenever you want me to.
네가 원하면 언제든 갈게.

I will go there right after I finish my work.
내 일이 끝난 직후 거기에 갈거야.

I will have lunch right after the meeting.
회의 직 후 점심 먹으러 갈거야.

I will let you know right after I come back.
돌아오는대로 너에게 알려줄게.

Common Expressions

How much did the utilities come out to be?
공과금이 얼마나 나왔니?

I'm late on my rent.
나 렌트비(임대료)가 밀렸어.

How much is the rent? 렌트비가 얼마입니까?

I have to fill out the application.
신청서를 작성해야 해.

I'm subletting my place.
집을 내놓을거야.

I signed a lease for one year.
나 1년간 임대 계약했어.


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