스피킹 챌린지 II - Unit 18. Clothing Store ( must/have to, must not, don't have to )

Dialogue #1

Is there anything I can help you with?

I'm trying to find a jacket, but I'm not sure which one to buy. / to choose / is better / which would be better.

You should check out this one here. We just got these in today.
Is it for any special occasion? / 특별한 행사

I have to wear something nice for my friend's graduation, and
I don't have anything.

What about this jacket?

That's perfect.

Dialogue #2

That's a nice jacket. When did you get that? / buy(사다) that? / get(도착하다) here? / get up? (일어나다)

I got it yesterday. The employee was really helpful and showed me a lot of  different styles.

Really? Well, she has great taste. You should wear your black boots with it.
                     (취향, 안목이 있네)

Hey, that's not a bad idea.

I guess I have to dress nice, too. / 나 역시 멋있게 입어야 겠다.

I can't wait for the graduation.

Language Focus

Obligations / 의무

1. must, have to ~ 해야만 한다.

2. must not ~ 하면 안 된다.

3. don't have to ~ 할 필요없다.

Key Sentences

    How many times a day does he have to take medicine?
1. He has to take medicine three times a day.
    그는 하루에 세 번 약을 복용해야 한다.

2. Do I have to go to school tomorrow?
    저 내일 학교 가야 하나요?
    Yes, you have to.
     I don't want to.

3. You don't have to hurry because we have enough time. / we are ahead of schedule.
     우리 충분한 시간이 있기 때문에 너 서두를 필요없어.

      I keep forgetting his birthday. 나 자꾸 그의 생일을 까먹어.
4.  You must not forget his birthday again.
      너 그의 생일을 또 잊으면 안돼.

5. He's very stressed because he has to finish a lot of work today.
                                               he has to submit the paper by today. / by 3 o'clock.


Common Expressoins

I like to window shop.
나는 아이쇼핑을 좋아해.

My friend is a bargain shoppper.
내 친구는 합리적인 구매자야.

I know some people who are shopaholics.
나는 쇼핑중독인 몇 명의 사람을 알아.


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