스피킹 챌린지 II - Unit 15. Bus Station (It ... to ~)

Dialogue #1

Hello, I want to buy one ticket for Seattle. The sooner, the better.

Okay. The next available bus will be at five o'clock. Is that okay?

That's fine. How long is the bus ride?

It'll take four hours including a 15 minute rest stop.

Can I also buy my return ticket here as well?

Yes, you can. So, when would you like your return date for?

Dialogue #2

Hello, I would like to change my return date.

Okay, I will need some information from you. What is your name and previous scheduled return date? Also, I need the last four digits of your credit card.

My name is Terry Smith, my return date is for December first, and the last four digits are 1879.

Now, can you tell me the preferred return date?

It is December 2nd.

Okay, we have made the changes. Have a nice day.

Language Focus

Express opinions and fellings

It is + adjective + to do

영어 배우는 건 재미있어.
It is fun to learn English.

영어 단어 외우는 건 재미있지 않아.
(for me, 강조) It is not fun (for me) to memorize English words. (for me) 가능한 위치들

문법 이해하는 거 어려워.
It is hard to understand grammar.

Key Sentences

1. It is tough to survive the situation. / the crisis.(위기) / the severe summer.(극심한 여름)
그 상황 견뎌내기가 어려워.

2. It isn't important to remember the details.
세부사항을 기억하는 건 중요하지 않아.

3. It is not exciting (for me) to wait for the test result.
시험 결과를 기다리는 것은 신나지 않아.

4. It is refreshing to take a shower after I exercise. / to drink a glass of beer after I exercise.
운동 후 샤워하는건 상쾌해.

5. Was it hard to live abroad when you were young? / to study abroad / to travel abroad
너 어렸을 때 해외에서 사는거 어려웠니?


Common Expressions

The buses run every 10 minutes.
버스는 10분마다 운행합니다.

We will be arriving shortly.
곧 도착합니다.

How many carry-ons do you have?
수하물이 몇 개입니까?

We are behind schedule.
우리 늦었어.


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