스피킹 챌린지 II - Unit 11. Amusement Park ( look, taste, sound, smel, feel )

Dialouge #1

So, which ride should we go on first? / ride(탈것)

Let's ride the Goliath. It looks pretty fun. / ride(타다)

Okay. Afterwards, let's get something to eat.
I smelled something tasty back near the entrance.

We'd better get started, it's going to get really crowded soon.

Let's go to the restroom first.
Sarah's been complaining about it the whole way here.

I think I saw one back there.

* It looks good on you.
   It looks beautiful.
   It looks dirty but it's not.

Dialouge #2

Did you have a good time?

Yeah, that was a lot of fun. I wish we rode the Gyro Drop. / 자이로드롭 탔었으면 좋았을 텐데.
It looked exciting.

But the line was so long.

Oh well, I still had a great time. How about you?

Well, I had a good time, too, but I wanted to try the haunted house.
When we walked past it, it sounded scary. / 걸어서 지나갔을 때

It did, but it's too intense for me. / 너무 긴장되다.(무서웠다.)

   현재와 반대되는 상황
* I wish you were here.
   I wish she stayed a little longer.
   I wish I knew that before leaving.

Language Focus

Sensory verb / 감각 동사

1. Look : 어떻게 보이다.

너 심심해 보여. You look bored./hungry./sleepy.             look  + 형용사
너 우리 사촌동생 닮았어. You look like my cousin.       look like + 명사
너 20대 같이 보인다. You look like you're in your 20s.   look like + 문장(S+V)

2. Taste : 어떠한 맛이 나다.

3. Sound : 어떻게 들리다.

4. Smell : 어떠한 냄새가 나다.

5. Feel : 어떻게 느껴진다.

Key sentences

1. He looks (exactly) like someone I know. / his father
    그는 내가 아는 누군가와 닮았다.

2. You sound like you're not happy.
    너는 행복하지 않은것처럼 들려.

3. Something smells like it's burning./rotten.(썩은, 부패한)
    뭔가 타는것 같은 냄새가 나.

4. I eat here so often / that it feels like home. / I'm a regular here / at Starbucks. (나 여기 단골이야)
    나 여기 너무 자주와서 집같이 느껴져.
    I study here so hard / that it feels like home.
나 여기서 너무 열심히 공부해서 집 같이 느껴져.

5. What does your coffee taste like? / smell like? / look like?
    네 커피 무슨 맛이야?
    What does he look like? 걔 어떻게 생겼어?
    Who does he look like? 걔 누구 닮았어?

Speaking practice

1.  I wonder ~ 이 궁금해요 / ~인지 모르겠어.

     I wonder about that new lap top.
                    what he's doing.
                    why they did that.
                    if he still thinks of me.

2. I can't believe ~을 믿을 수가 없어 / ~라니 믿을 수가 없어요.

    I can't believe that.
                           she did that.
                           you broke up with Kelly.
                           this is so difficult.


Common Expressions

It took forever to get to the park.
공원 오는데 오래 걸렸다.

The rides are under maintenance.
놀이기구가 점검 중이다.

The ride broke down.
놀이기구 고장났다.

We have to wait forever for this ride.
이거 타려면 평생 기다려야 해.


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