스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 20. Local Advice ( the ~est, one of the ~est, there is nothing ~ ) superlatives


Hello, pardon me. May I ask for your help?

Sure. How can I help you?

I'm trying to find a place that is famous for pho. / 쌀국수
Can you make any recommendation?

Go to Saigon Palace. They make the best pho I have ever tasted.

Thank you so much, I've been dying to try a place where locals go.

After lunch, you should go to the pier, / 부두
a lot of college students go there for drinks and the scenery. / 풍경
Go to the Ocean Bar and you can meet a lot of people that might want to help you out.

How do you get there?

From the noodle shop, you have to take a taxi or a bus.
It should only take 20 minutes.

(Is there) Anything else I should see before I leave the country?

There are many museums, beaches, and restaurants, but my favorite has been the Cu Chi tunnels.

I'll try to check out as much as I can.

You won't regret it.


Q. What kind of advice did you get from the local?

본토의, 본토인           local
조언을 주다.              give advice
무엇을 해야 하는지     what to do
~에게 ~하라고 말하다. tell (someone) to (something)

나는 오늘 정말 괜찮은 현지 사람을 만났어.
I met a really nice local today.

그 사람이 무엇을 해야 하는지 나에게 도움을 줬어.
He gave me some advice on what to do.

먼저 베트남 쌀국수 먹으로 사이공 팰리스에 가라고 말했어.
First, He told me to go to Saigon Palace for pho.

그러고 나서 부두에 있는 오션바에 가보라고 했어.
Then he said I should go to the pier to visit Ocean Bar.

나는 도움을 주는 좋은 사람들을 많이 만났어.
I met a lot of nice people there who gave me more advice.

마지막으로 내가 내일 가려고 하는 구찌 터널에도 가보라고 했어.
Finally, He told me to go to Cu Chi Tunnels which I will do tomorrow.

Language Focus

Make Superlatives 최상급

'가장(어떠한), 제일(어떠한)'

1. old → the oldest
2. crowded → the most crowded
3. good → the best

Part I : 가장 ~하다.

He is a funny guy.
He is the funniest guy in the class.
He is one of the funniest guys in the class.
He is the funniest guy that I've ever met.

She is a beautiful actress.
She is the most beautiful actress in Korea.
She is one of the most beautiful actresses in Korea.
She is the most beautiful actress that I've ever seen.

Part II : ~만한 것이 없다.

1. There is nothing like chicken with beer.
   치맥만한 것이 없다.

2. Nothing is better than chicken with beer.
   치맥보다 더 좋은 것은 없다.
                                 a good sleep.
                                 a smile.
                                 watching a movie.
                                 a breeze. / 산들바람

Key Sentences

1. Which dish has the least amount of calories?
   어느 요리가 가장 적은 양의 칼로리를 갖고 있죠?

2. It was the most impressive movie that I've ever seen.
   그것은 내가 봤었던 가장 인상적인 영화였다.

   It was the most violent movie that I've ever seen.
   It was the scariest movie that I've ever seen.

3. She is one of the most famous novelists these days.
   그녀는 요즘 가장 유명한 소설가 중 한 명이다.

4. There is no one worse at cooking than John.
   존보다 요리 못하는 사람은 아무도 없다.

5. Nothing is cuter than a puppy taking a nap. / wagging its tale.
   아무것도 낮잠자는 퍼피보다 더 귀여운 것은 없다.



attractions 관광지, street vendor 길거리 상인
business district 상업 지구, custom 관습, 풍습
entertainment district 유흥 지구, ruins 폐허
monument 기념물, 기념비적 건축물

Common Expressions

It is customary to shake hands. 관례로서 악수를 한다.

The village was reconstructed. 그 마을은 재건되었다.

I'm looking for the Statue of Liberty, but I think I'm lost.
제가 자유의 여신상을 찾고 있는데, 아무래도 길을 잊은것 같아요.

I don't have any cash. Do you accept credit cards?
제가 현금이 없는데요. 신용카드로 결제 되나요?

Can you show me on the map please?
제가 어디에 있는지 지도로 좀 보여주시겠어요?


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