스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 08. Stress over tests ( N + to infivitive / ing / p.p )


Are you ready for tomorrow's mid-term?

I'm definitely not ready for it. I took this class to improve my GPA, / Great Point Average
but I think I might fail the entire course.

You shouldn't think like that!
What are you having trouble understanding? / have trouble ~ing ~하는데 어려움을 겪다.

I don't understand this chapter at all.
It's so complicated.

Okay, I'll lend you my notes.

Thanks. But, do you think it'll help? I took notes, too.
But I still don't get it.

Well, I wrote down what I thought to be the most important parts.
Just memorize it and you will do fine.

I'll try. How come you're not stressed out over this test?

I've been doing well in class, and also,
I went to the professor's office to get some advice.

Oh, did you? I should've done that! 나도 그랬어야 했는데
What advice did he give you?

He told me to read some articles regarding the topic.
I can send you an email with all the sites.

That would help me so much!


Q. How are you doing with the test preparation?

벼락치기를 하다.     cram for an exam
~을 잘하다.            do well
~으로 작동/버티다.  run off ~
기절하다.쓰러지다.   pass out   / faint 완전 기절, pass away 돌아가시다.

어젯밤, 나는 4시까지 공부했어.
Last night, I studied until 4 AM.

오늘 시험을 위해 벼락치기를 해야 했어. 왜냐하면 나는 시험을 잘 치지 않았거든.
I had to cram for my exam today, because I didn't do so well on my paper.

지금 잠 두 시간과 카페인으로 버티고 있어.
At the moment, I'm running off of 2 hours of sleep and a lot of caffeine.

시험 끝나고 나 쓰러질거야.
After this exam, I'm going to pass out.

Language Focus

Add information 명사 꾸며주기

Part I: Noun + to do

I have a friend.
→ I have a friend to rely on.
→ I have a friend to tell my secret.

Part II: Noun + ~ing

I saw a girl.
→ I saw a girl singing in public. 대중 앞에서
→ I saw a girl smiling at me.
→ I saw a girl dancing over there.

Part III: Noun + p.p

I like this picture.
→ I like this picture taken in Germany. 독일에서 찍힌
→ I like this picture taken with you.
→ I like this picture taken in your place. / in Jeju Island.

Key sentences

1. I have a plan to go backpacking through Europe.
   나 유럽으로 백패킹 갈 계획을 갖고 있어.

2. My dream to become an actor was put on hold. 보류되다.
   배우가 되려는 나의 꿈은 보류 되었다.

3. Do you need a pen to take notes with? / take note 노트 필기
   너 노트 필기할 펜 필요해?

4. He is the guy working in the marketing department.
   그는 마케팅 부서에서 일하는 남자이다.

   He is the guy majoring in the accounting department.

5. The book used in class is informative.
   수업시간에 사용된 그 책은 유용하다.

   The book written by your friend is informative.
   The book published last year is informative.

Speaking practice

나는 미국에 갈 계획이 있어요.
I have a plan to go to America.



required reading 필독 도서,  procrastination 미루는 버릇
corequisite 공통 필수과목,    kinesthetic learner 학습지

Common Expressions

I need to hit the books. 공부를 정말 열심히 해야겠다.

I've been cooped up in the library all day. 나는 하루 종일 도서관에 틀어박혀 있었다.

I didn't sleep a wink. 한 숨도 못잤다.

Don't take your frustration out on me. 나한테 화풀이 하지마.

I aced the exam. 시험에서 만점을 받았다.

I totally bombed the exam. 완전히 시험을 망쳤다.


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