스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 19. Lost Bag ( as .. as, not as... as, twice as ... as ) Comparatives


I have a couple of questions, is this the right place to ask?

Yes, it is, ma'am. What are your questions?

Well first, my bag has not come out yet, and I have been waiting for a while.
Can you tell me what happened?

Let me check real quick, just wait a moment, please...
Okay, well, it seems that there was a complication.
They were checking the contents because they thought something was wrong with them.

Really? I just have clothes in there. I'm sure I didn't bring anything I'm not supposed to.

You can go to the baggage claim office of your airline and talk to them about the matter. Is there anything else I can help you with?

Also, I need to get to this address, and I was wondering what the best way to get there is.

May I have the address, please... thank you... well, this is in downtown, and I recommend taking the bus.
It will take as long as the taxi, but it will be a lot cheaper.

Thank you, and where can I go to take the bus?

After you retrieve your baggage, exit the nearest exit and go left.
You'll see lines of people waiting for the bus.
There will be a bus information center.
Tell them your address and they will tell you which bus to take.

Thank you so much!

You're welcome, and enjoy your trip.


Q. Did you experience any problems at the airport?

문제가 있다.       have a trouble
무언가 잘못되다. Something is wrong
~라고 밝혀지다.  turn out to be
오해                 misunderstanding

나 오늘 공항에서 문제가 좀 있었어.
I had some troubles at the airport today.

그들이 내 가방에 뭔가 문제가 있다고 생각해서 점검했다고 나에게 말했어.
They told me that my bag was being checked because they thought something was wrong.

완전히 오해로 밝혀졌지만 말이야.
It turned out to be a complete misunderstanding.

고맙게도 나를 도와준 사람은 친절했어.
Thankfully, the person who helped me was really kind.

Language Focus

Make Comparisons

'~만큼' (동등비교)

1. old → as old as
2. much → as much as
3. much → two times as much as

as ... as ~ : ~만큼 ... 하다.

1. as 형용사 as
He is old.         → He is as old as I am
His hair is long. → His hair is (three times) as long as yours. / (3배나)

2. as 부사 as
He cooks well.  → He cooks as well as my mother does.
He works hard. → He works (twice) as hard as I do. / (2배나)

Key Sentences

1. I don't watch TV as much as you do.
   나는 너만큼 TV를 많이 보지 않는다.

   I don't eat as much as you do.
   I don't like him as much as you do.
   I don't drink as much as you do.

2. Was he not as experienced as the others?
   그는 다른 사람들만큼 경험이 없는거 아냐?

   Was he not as smart/funny/busy as the others?
   Wasn't he as smart/funny/busy as the others?

3. I don't have as much money/time as my cousin.
   나는 내 사촌만큼 많은 돈을 갖고 있지 않다.

   I don't have as many friends as my cousin.
   I don't have as experienced as my cousin.

4. She told us the movie was not as good as the book.
   그녀는 우리에게 영화는 그 책만큼 좋지 않았었다고 말했다.

   She told us the movie was not as good as she thought.
   She told us the movie was not as good as she expected.

5. The advanced class is 10 times as difficult as the intermediate class.
   고급 반이 중급 반보다 10배다 더 어렵다.

   Chinese is twice as difficult as english.



complication 문제, 난관         retrieve 되찾아오다.
suppose 생각하다. 추측하다.

customs 세관, customs declaration form 세관 신고서
immigration desk 출입국 심사대, carry-on luggage 기내 수하물
baggage carousel 수하물 컨베이어 벨트, porter 짐 옮기는 것을 도와주는 사람
security checkpoint 보안 검사대

Common Expressions

The plane is about to take-off. 비행기가 이륙하려고 한다.

Do you have anything to declare? 신고하실 물건이 있습니까?

Can I see your luggage ticket please? 수하물표 좀 보여주시겠어요?

I have a layover in Shanghai. 나는 상해에서 경유합니다.

My flight delayed due to maintenance problems. 유지보수 문제 때문에 내 비행기가 연기되었다.

Excuse me, where can I catch a taxi? 실례합니다. 어디에서 택시를 잡을 수 있죠?


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