스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 01. Daily Routine ( see / hear / feel / find ) 지각동사


What do you usually do in the morning? / on the weekend?

I get up really early, and the first thing I do is drinking coffee. / taking a shower. / having breakfast.
What about you?

I usually get up around 7 AM and then get ready.

Do you eat breakfast?

I do. I heard someone says breakfast is the most important meal, so I try to eat it every day.

My first meal of the day is usually at lunchtime.

Unfortunately, I have classes at noon. One time, I skipped breakfast and I didn't eat until 9 o'clock at night! I felt my stomach rumbling the whole day. / 하루 종일 꼬르륵 소리나다.

Really? That sounds awful. / 정말 끔찍하다.

Yeah, it was pretty bad. What do you do in the evenings?

I'm at home studying, or I'm at the gym.

Wow, you're pretty healthy. I'm usually in bed watching TV.

You should exercise more!


Q. Tell me about your morning routine.

~시쯤에 일어나다.  get up around 시간 / wake up / at 시간
바로                    right after
가벼운 아침식사     a light breakfast / a heavy breakfast
옷을 입다.             get dressed

나는 보통 아침 7시쯤 일어난다.
I usually get up around 7 in the morning.

그리고 샤워를 하고 바로 아침을 먹는다.
Then, I take a shower and I have breakfast right after.

나는 아침에 많이 먹을 수가 없어서 가볍게 먹는다.
I can't eat a lot in the morning, so I eat a light breakfast.

마지막으로 옷을 입고 첫 수업에 간다.
Finally, I get dressed and head to my first class.

Language Focus

Verbs of perception

see / hear / feel / find

1. 나 Leslie가 수업시간에 노래하는 거 들었어.

I heard Leslie singing in class. / complaining / crying

2. 나 Leslie가 수업시간에 춤추는 거 봤어.

I saw Leslie dancing in class. / arguing

Key sentences

1. I heard her singing in the shower. / in the pup. / in a room.

2. I saw her talking on the phone. / talking to stranger. / working out at the gym.

3. I've never seen her laugh. / wearing a skirt. / wearing glasses.

4. I felt my stomach rumbling the whole day. / growling 꼬르륵 거리다.

5. I felt the pain disappearing suddenly. / getting worse <-> getting better


Common Expressions

It takes me an hour to put on make-up.
나는 화장하는데 한 시간이 걸린다.

I set the alarm for 7 o'clock.
나는 7시에 알람을 맞춰 놓는다.

I have a hard time getting out of bed.
나는 잠자리에서 일어나기가 힘들다.

I get dressed after breakfast.
나는 샤워 후에 옷을 입는다.


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