스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 02. Commuting ( like, dislike, desire, plan ) + to 부정사(to infinitive)/동명사(ing)


I really hate driving to campus.

How long is your commute?

It's around one hour. I don't really live that far from campus.
It's just that I hit traffic at rush hour.

You should take a subway.

I hate taking a subway. There are so many people and
I have to do a lot of transfers.

But, doesn't it save your time?

I only save then minutes. I don't think it's worth it.

You should move closer to school. I moved last month and
I only have to walk 15 minutes to campus.

Hmmm... I'll think about that.

Also, Pat bought a bike and it only takes him five minutes to get to his first class.
He lives farther than I do. / 나보다 더 멀리 살아.

That doesn't sound like such a bad idea. I'll look up apartments in the area when I get home.

Good luck!


Q. How do you commute?

교통체증                     traffic
~하는 것이 불가능하다.  It's impossible to ~
주차자리                     parking spot
통근, 통학하다.             commute

나는 매일 학교에 차를 운전한다.
I drive my car to my school every day.

나는 교통체증이 심한 것을 싫어한다.
I hate it when there is so much traffic.

나는 또한 학교에 도착했을 때 주차할 자리 찾는 것은 불가능하다.
Also, when I get to my school, it's impossible to find a parking spot.

나는 더 나은 통학할 좋은 방법을 생각할 수 있길 바란다.
I hope I can think of a better way to commute.

Language Focus

동사 + to do (to 부정사)  I want to play soccer.
동사 + doing (동명사)     I enjoy playing soccer.

Part I (동사 + to do)

I want to play soccer.

I want to get something to eat.
I want to get some sleep.

Part II (동사 + doing)

I enjoy playing soccer.

I enjoy watching American dramas.
I enjoy drinking with them.

I'm looking forward to meeting you. 나 너를 만나는 것을 기대하고 있다.

Key sentences

1. He wants to talk to me about my grades. / the matter. / her promotion.
   그는 나의 성적에 대해서 나와 얘기하고 싶어 한다.

2. We plan to work overtime. / have a meeting next monday. / move next year.
   우리는 야근할 계획이다.

3. He finally quit smoking. / drinking.
   그는 마침내 담배를 끊었다.

    He wants to quit smoking

4. They kept staring at us at the airport. / kept talking at the airport. / kept waiting in line at the airport.
   그들은 공항에서 계속 우리를 주시하고 있었다.

5. She is used to living by herself. / eating / watching movies
   그녀는 혼자 사는게 익숙하다.

Speaking practice

나는 당신을 만나기를 학수고대 하고 있어요.
I am looking forward to seeing you.


Common Expressions

The freeway is bumper to bumper.
고속도로에 차들로 꽉 들어차 있다.

I'm stuck in traffic.
나는 교통 체증에 갇혀있다.

I car pool every day.
나는 매일 카풀을 이용한다.

The police are looking for the hit and run driver.
경찰이 뺑소니 운전자를 찾는 중이다.

Your're paying way too much rent.
너느 집세를 너무 많이 내고 있다.


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