스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 03. The Job Interview ( Verb + to infinitive / ~ing )


Are you Ms. Daisy Lee?

Yes, I am.

Right this way please... Did you have any trouble finding this place? / 찾는데 어려움이 있었나요?
이쪽으로 오세요.

No, the directions were very simple.

So, what are you looking for in a job?

I want to find a job where I can gain experience.
I also want to grow in the company.

That sounds great. We are looking for someone who can be a team player.
Do you like to work in a team or by yourself?

To be honest, I like being part of a team, but sometimes I like to work by myself.
솔직히 말하면,

I understand. Do you have any questions for me at the moment?

I was curious to know if you offer any benefits. / curious 궁금한

Yes. You will get a pension plan, health insurance, and a retirement plan.

That sounds great.


Q. Why do you want to work for this company?

몇 가지의 이유로   ~ for several reasons
면접을 보다.            get a job interview
같은 분야의             in the same field
월급이 좋다.            salary is competitive

나는 마침내 이 회사에서 면접을 봤다.
I finally got a job interview for this company.

나는 몇 가지 이유로 거기에서 정말 근무하고 싶다.
I really want to work there for several reasons.

첫 번째, 그 회사는 내가 대학에서 공부한 것과 같은 분야이다.
First, the company is in the same field that I have studied in college.

두 번째, 나는 그들의 급여가 다른 회사에 비해 경쟁력 있다고 들었다.
Second, I heard their salary is very competitive compared to other companies.

Language Focus

Doing / To do

I forgot to call you.  !=  I forgot calling you.

* regret + to do ~하게 되어 유감(미안)입니다. / I'm sorry to do.
  regret + doing ~한 것을 후회한다.

1. Did you forget to feed the cat?
   고양이에게 먹이줘야 하는것 잊어버렸어?

   Did you forget to say that to him?
   Did you forget to respond to me?

2. He remembered mentioning the story.
   그는 그 이야기 언급한 것을 기억했다.

   He remembered locking the door when he leaves.
   He remembered saying that to me.

3. She regrets being late for lunch with the boss. / be late for ~에 늦다.
   그녀는 사장과 점심에 늦은 것을 후회한다.

   She regrets lying to her parents about her grades.
   She regrets not telling the truth.

4. I stopped to see what was happening.
   나는 무슨일이 발생하고 있는지 보기 위해 멈췄다.

   I stopped to pick up some food.
   I stopped to take a picture.

5. I tried to close the window, but it was stuck.
   나는 창문을 닫으려고 노력했지만 그것은 꼼작하지 않았다.

   I tried to loose my weight, but I couldn't.
   I tried to make money, but I couldn't.



accomplishments 성과,  responsibilities 직무

Common Expressions

I believe I'm a good fit for the position.
그 직위에 제가 잘 맞는 사람이라고 생각합니다.

I have good communication skills.
저는 뛰어난 소통 능력을 가지고 있습니다.

I am able to handle pressure well.
압박감을 잘 다스릴 수 있습니다.

I carried out various tasks.
저는 여러 업무 과제들을 수행했습니다.

I'm a detail oriented person.
저는 꼼꼼한 사람입니다.

What are the employee perks?
급여 외의 혜택(특전)이 무엇이 있습니까?


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