스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 14. Date at the movies ( 의문사 + S + V ) Indirect questions.


What did you think of the movie?

I thought it was great. I have seen the main actor somewhere.
Do you know who that guy is?
                              S     V

He was the guy who was the villain in Superman. / the villain 악당

That's right! I couldn't stop wondering where I saw him before.

Yeah, he's really famous, and he usually plays bad guys.

I think he plays a bad guy better than a good guy.

I think so, too.

Next week, let's watch another movie.
There's a romance movie that I have been waiting for months to see.

What day do you want to go?

Let's go on Saturday, I think it'd be a lot better than Friday.

Okay, but let's watch it a little earlier.

Great, looking forward to it!


Q. Tell me about your date at the movies.

고맙게도           thankfully
~할만큼 착하다.  sweet enough to
불평하다.           complain
좋은 시간 보내다. have a great time

아.. 그 영화 정말 지루했어.
Oh man... The movie was really boring.

그런데 고맙게도 제시카는 불평을 하지 않아 너무 마음씨가 착했어.
But, thankfully, Jessica was sweet enough not to complain.

우리는 영화 보기 전이나 후나 여전히 좋은 시간을 보냈어.
We still had a great time before and after the movie.

걔가 다음주에는 로맨스 영화를 보고 싶데.
She wants to watch a romance movie next week.

Language Focus

Indirect questions

Do you know what it is?
Can you tell me what it is?

Direct questions vs. Indirect questions
                              의문사 S + V

Who is he?                     → Do you know who he is?
Where is he?                   → Do you know where he is?
When is he coming?         → Do you know when he is coming?
What happened to him?    → Do you know what happened to him?                   
   S                                                       S

Mini Test

1. What is it?                 → Do you know what it is?
2. When is her birthday?  → Do you know when her birthday is?
3. Who is the manager?   → Do you know who the manager is?
4. Where does she live?   → Do you know where she lives?
5. Why is it so expensive? → Do you know why it is so expensive?

Key sentences

                        S       V
1. Do you know who is walking over there?
   저쪽에서 누가 걷고 있는 지 아세요?

                      who is crying out there?
                      who is talking louder out there?
                      who is out there?

2. Did you know why he broke up with her?
    그가 그녀와 왜 헤어졌는지 아니?

                       why he got dumped by her? 왜 차였는지
                       why he failed interview?

3. Do you happen to know where the restaurant is?
   그 레스토랑 어디 있는지 혹시 아세요?

                                    where PlanT is?
                                    where the post office is near by?

                                    * be suppose(d) to ~하기로 되어 있다.
4. Did you forget what you were supposed to do?/say?
   너가 뭐 하기로 했었던 것 까먹었니?

                        where you were supposed to go?

5. Do you remember how we got here last time?
   너 우리가 지난 번에 여기에 어떻게 왔었는지 기억해?

                            how it was?

Speaking practice

내 나이가 몇이라고 생각하니?
Can you guess what my age is?

누가 다음 대통령이 될지 아세요?
Do yo have any idea who will be the next president?



supporting actor / actress 조연 배우,  movie trailer 영화 예고편
plot / storyline 줄거리                     subtitle 자막
concession stand 구내 매점              special effects / CG 특수 장면 효과
                                                  soundtrack 배경 음악

Common Expressions

Let's go catch a movie. 영화 한 편 보러 가자.

The ending was very moving. 결말이 정말 감동적이었어.

I heard there was an extra scene during the credits.
엔딩 크레딧이 올라갈 때 추가 장면이 있다고 들었어.

The movie has a star-studded cast. 그 영화는 초호화 배역이 출연해.

The movie really made me think twice about my self.
그 영화는 내 인생에 대해 다시 한 번 생각하게 만들었어.

It had non-stop action. 그 영화는 액션이 끊이질 않아.


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