스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 15. Relationship ( since, because, as, as a result )


So, how are things going with Jessica?
     how is it going

It's going pretty well. We have been dating for a month.

Are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend?

I don't know yet, I really like her, but that's a big commitment to me. / 전념, 헌신

Well, think of pros and cons. 장단

Okay, we have a lot in common. We can usually talk for hours and it feels like such a short time.

What about the cons?

Hmm... well, sometimes I get really frustrated because she takes forever to decide on something.

That doesn't sound so bad.

Yeah, most of the time we make each other laugh,
so it's not that big of a deal. / 그렇게 큰 문제는 아니야.

I think you're thinking way too much about it.
You two should be a couple since you like her a lot.

I guess you're right.


Q. How is it going with Jessica?

~와 데이트 하고 있다.  have been dating someone /seeing someone
~개월 동안                for 숫자 month(s)
연애 중이다.              be in a relationship
잘 어울리는               good together

난 한달 동안 제시카랑 데이트했어
So, I have been dating Jessica for a month

그리고 그녀와 사귀는 거 결정하기 전에 한 번 더 데이트가 필요하다고 생각해
and I think I need to have one more date with her
before I can decide if I want to be in a relationship.

다들 벌써 해야 한다고 나한테 말해
왜냐하면 우리는 잘 어울리고 나도 그들이 옳다고 생각해.
Everyone is telling me I should already
because we are good together, and I think they're right.

Language Focus

Talk about reasons 이유 말하기

Since, because, because of

Since S + V
Because S + V
Because of + N

Hey, since it's raining, let's stay inside.

Yeah, that'd be better. I actually don't want to go out.
because I haven't been feeling well.

What's the matter? You got a cold?

Yeah, I stayed home from work yesterday because of this bad cold.

Because vs since vs because of

Because S + V  논리적인 인과관계, Why에 대한 대답, 보통 주절 뒤에 위치

Since S + V      Because 만큼 원인/이유를 강조하지 않음
                     주절 앞, 뒤 모두 위치

Because of N   

Key Sentences

1. I get frustrated because she takes forever to decide on something.
   그녀는 뭔가를 결정하는데 오래 걸리기 때문에 좌절감을 느껴.

                                                           to get ready to go out.
                                                           to put on makeup.

2. I stayed up all night because I had insomnia. / 불면증
   나 불면증 때문에 밤 꼴딱 셋어.

                               because I had to finish.

3. Since a taxi is faster than a bus, let's take a taxi.
   택시가 버스보다 빠르니까 택시 타자.

   Since it's raining

4. I have to take the bus since my car broke down.
   나 내 차 고장나서 버스 타야만 해.

5. He is angry at me because of what I said yesterday.
   내가 어제 말한 것 때문에 그는 나에게 화나 있다.

                            because of my rude behavior. 나의 무례한 행동 때문에
                            because of what I did. 내가 했던 것 때문에

Speaking practice

우리가 지난 밤에 저녁으로 치킨을 이미 먹었기 때문에 오늘 밤에는 소고기를 먹을거야.
As we already had chicken for dinner last night, we will have beef tonight.

그녀는 교통 체증 때문에 회사에 지각했어.
She was late for work because of the traffic.

모든 사람들이 건강한 것을 먹기를 원했다. 그 결과 우리는 샐러드를 주문했다.
Everyone wanted to eat something healthy. As a result, we all ordered salads.

그녀는 스트레스를 많이 받아왔다. 그 결과 그녀는 생일에 스카이다이빙을 할 것이다.
She has been under a lot of stress. As a result, she will go skydiving on her birthday.


Common Expressions

We have good chemistry. 우리는 서로 잘 통하고 잘 맞는다.

He has a good sense of humor. 그 남자는 유머감각이 있다.

No, it's just platonic. 아니, 우리는 그냥 플라토닉한 관계야.

We hit it off. 우리는 서로 잘 지내고 있다.

We have our ups and downs. 우리는 좋은 일, 안 좋은 일을 함께 겪었다.

You guys look good together. 너희 둘이 잘 어울린다.


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