스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 16. Where to travel ( while, during, for, both, neither, either )


You know, I feel like I should travel a lot more this year.

You should go somewhere in Southeast Asia.

Have you ever traveled there?

Yeah, I traveled to a lot of places during college and one of them was Vietnam.

What is there to do in Vietnam?

There are a lot to do.
For example, you can go to all the different markets and try out the food,
or you can go island hopping. / 이섬 저섬 옮겨다니면서 여행

I see, Hmmm... well I'm wondering how many other people would want to go with me.

Go alone. Traveling by yourself is really fun.

Isn't it dangerous to travel by yourself though?

It can be dangerous, so you should research and be careful where you go.

I'll think about it. It does sound appealing. / 강조
                       그거 정말 호소력 있는(맞는) 것 처럼 들려.

While you are researching, remember to check the weather, too!


Q. Tell me about the place where you want to travel.

긴 대화를 나누다.          have a long talk <-> small talk
~동안 ~로 여행을 가다.  travel to ~ for ~
~로 갈거야                  I'm going to 장소 / I'm going to + V
~하다고 들었다.            I heard (that)

나는 오늘 휴가 동안에 어디로 여행을 해야 할지에 대해 친구와 긴 얘기를 나눴어.
I had a long talk with my friend today about where I should travel to for vacation.

나는 베트남에 갈 것 같아.
I think I'm going to Vietnam.

따뜻하고 음식도 맛있고 그리고 사람들이 엄청 친구하다고 들었어.
It's warm, the food is really good, and also I heard (that) people are really friendly.

Language Focus

Express comparisons and time

Part I : Time
          while, during, for ~ 동안

I was studying while my friends were watching the baseball game.
I was studying during the baseball game.
I was studying for two hours.

While 주어 + 동사                I was waiting for you.
                                        I was at university.

During 명사                         vacation, the World War II, holiday, weekend,
          구체적인 시간 X          season, visit, presentation, movie, class, trip
          행사, 사건                  night, break

For 명사                              two hours, a few years, the past 10 years,
          구체적인 시간 O          decades, a month, five minutes
          How long에 대한 답

Part II : Comparisons
          both, neither, either

Mon: Do you want butter or jam on your toast?

Kid 1: Both.      둘 다           (=I want both butter and jam.)
Kid 2: Either.     둘 중 하나    (=I want either butter or jam.)
Kid 3: Neither.  둘 다 싫어요. (=I want neither butter nor jam.)

Key Sentences

1. I saw Leslie while (I was) waiting for you.
                   while (I was) sitting there.
                   while (I was) drinking there.
                   while studying/sleeping.

2. My grandfather was in the army during the World War II.

3. He had been waiting/eating/talking there for three hours when I arrived.

4. He likes neither beef nor pork.

5. Both my brother and I are tall. / are really thin.



road trip 장거리 자동차 여행, backpacking grip 배낭 여행
cruises    유람선                  gateway 휴가, 휴가지
excursion (짧은 단체) 여행     day (one day) trip 당일치기 여행
                                       field trip 현장 학습, 견학 여행


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