스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 17. Travel Plans ( although, even though, though )


I finally bought the ticket and reserved a room.
It was a lot cheaper than I thought.

You said you were going to Vietnam?

Yeah, it only cost like 560,000 won for the flight and a room for 4 days.

와우,  그거 거져처럼 들린다.
Wow, that sounds like a steal. I wish I was brave enough to travel by myself,
although it seems so intimidating. / 겁을 주는

I know what you mean, but it's also exciting.

How much do you think the entire trip will cost you?

I think it shouldn't be more than 700,000 won.
I heard the food is very cheap.

Compared to you, I don't seem adventurous.

You love to bungee jump and skydive, though.
I think traveling by yourself is less scary.
Next time, let's go somewhere together.

I think I can go somewhere cheap.

Yeah, let's go somewhere cheap. However, I have to warn you,
by going cheap we have to stay at hostels and stuff.

That's okay. I actually like hostels.


Q. Tell me about your travel plans.

(돈이 얼마)~나오다.  come out
왕복                      round trip / one-way
1박에 ~원               won a night
가장 좋은 방법         best way

나 마침내 표 샀어 그리고 왕복으로 오십만원 나왔어.
I finally bought ticket, and it came out to be a round trip cost of 500,000 won.

호스텔 1박에 이 만원 나왔어.
The hostel I got / came out to be 20,000 won a night.

내가 거기 나흘 있을 거기 때문에 호스텔이 가종 좋은 방법인 것 같아.
Since I'll be there for 4 days, I think hostel is the best way to go.

Language Focus

Express contrast

1. although, even though, though
2. in spite of, despite ~임에도 불구하고, ~이긴 하지만

Contrast: ~이긴 하지만, ~임에도 불구하고

We enjoyed our vacation although it rained.
We enjoyed our vacation in spite of the rain.

Though             + 주어 + 동사,  Informal, 문장 끝에 올 수 있음 
Even though                           Even(심지어)의 의미 추가 '대조'를 더욱 강조

In spite of
despite              + 명사(동명사)

Although          Although we worked hard, we didn't finish it.
Though            The movie was okay. It was a little boring, though.
Even though      Even though I didn't love him, I married him.

In spite of         In spite of the rain, we went out.
despite             Despite the rain, we enjoyed the trip.

Key Sentences

1. Even though she told them the truth, nobody believed her.
    그녀가 그들에게 진실을 말했음에도 불구하고, 아무도 그녀를 믿지 않았다.

2. I tried to concentrate (on the meeting) although I had a severe toothache.
   극심한 치통이 있었지만 (~회의에) 집중하려고 노력했다.

3. Though they meet often, they still don't know each other well.
   그들은 자주 만남에도 불구하고, 그들은 아직 서로 잘 알지 못해.

4. I won the race despite having a cramp on my leg. / cramp 경련, cramps 생리통
   내 다리에 쥐가 났음에도 불구하고 경기에 이겼다.

5. In spite of the (traumatic) accident, she is still a positive person.
   (쇼킹한) 사고에도 불구하고, 그녀는 여전히 긍정적인 사람이다.



accommodations 숙박 시설, travel documents 여행상의 필요서류

Common Expressions

Wow, you got a great deal. 와, 너 정말 잘 샀네.

Bali is a popular travel destination. 발리는 인기 있는 여행지이다.

We took a boat to a remote island. 우리는 보트를 타고 외딴 섬으로 들어갔다.

Beware of tourist traps. 바가지를 씌우는 곳들을 조심해.

I enjoy extreme sports. 나는 극한 스포츠를 즐겨요.

I'm an adrenaline junky(중독). 나는 스릴 넘치는 걸 찾아 다니는 사람이다.


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