스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 06. Meeting the roommate ( who, which, that ) relative pronoun


Hello, my name is Tim. Are you Phil?

Yes I am, nice to meet you Tim. So, where are you from?

I'm from Seoul, how about you?

I'm from Hong Kong. My family moved to LA a year ago.

Oh that's cool. I've always wanted to visit LA.
Have you met anyone else from the hall? / hall 기숙사

I only met the guy who was handing the welcome packs to us.

Oh, that's Ryan. He's going to be our RA.

What's an RA?

It stands for residential advisor. / stands for: 의미하다. RA: 기숙사 감독자(사감)
Anything we need help with, we can talk to him.

That's really usefull to know. I'm about to head outside / be about to ~하려고 하다.
and see what this campus has to offer.
Do you want to join?

Sure, I actually know someone who knows this campus really well.
We can also ask him to show us around.

Let's go!


Q. Tell me about your new roommate.

~해 보인다.   seem like
공통으로       in common
이따 밤에      later tonight
저녁을 먹다.  have dinner

나는 오늘 내 룸메이트를 만났는데 그는 괜찮은 사람처럼 보였다.
I met my roommate today and he seems like a nice guy.

우리는 많은 공통점이 있다. 그리고 또 같은 수업도 몇 개 있다.
We have a lot in common, and also we have some of the same classes.

오늘밤 늦게 나는 카페에서 그와 기숙사의 또 다른 사람들과 다른 저녁을 먹을 것이다.
Later tonight, I'm going to have dinner at the cafeteria with him
and some other people from my hall.

Language Focus

Describing in detail

who / which / that

Part I. 명사 + who(주격)

I have a friend. + She lives in Paris.
→ I have a friend who lives in Paris.
                        who is crazy about baseball.
                        who is studying english at plenty.

Part II. 명사 + who(목적격)

I have a friend. + I can trust her.
→ I have a friend who I can trust.

Key sentences

1. I know the man. + He bought you a laptop.
→ I know the man who bought you a laptop.

2. The girl is my sister. + She is standing next to the door.
→ The girl who is standing next to the door is my sister.
                                    over there

3. Do you know the guy? + Leslie is talking to him.
→ Do you know the guy who Leslie is talking to?
→                               who Leslie had a drink with?

4. This is the movie. + I saw it with Jane.
→ This is the movie which I saw with Jane.

5. My friend wants your number. + We had dinner with him.
→ My friend who we had dinner with wants your number.


당신은 와인 가져온 그 남자 만났어요?
Did you meet the guy who brought the wine?

그녀가 내가 워크숍에서 만났던 소녀예요.
She is the girl who I saw at the workshop.

나는 그 책이 누구건지 모르겠어요.
I don't know who the book belongs to.

무료 샘플을 나눠주는 그 가게는 아주 유명해졌어요.
The store which gives free samples became very popular.

맛있는 감자튀김을 제공하던 그 레스토랑이 폐업했어요.
The restaurant which used to serve great fries went out of business.

우리가 어제 보았던 그 빌딩은 철거될 것이다.
The building which we saw yesterday will be torn down.

우리는 리사가 추천한 박물관에서 멋진 시간을 보냈다.
We had a great time at the museum which Lisa recommended.

나는 어느 차를 사야할지 잘 모르겠어요.
I'm not sure which car I should buy.



bunk bed   2단 침대
shared/communal bathroom 공용 욕실

Common Expressions

Are you from around here? 이 근처 출신이세요?

I'm still tired from jet lag. 시차 때문에 아직도 피곤하다.

Let's go check out the dining hall. 식당 한 번 가보자.

I'm a light sleeper. 나는 잠귀가 밝다./자는 도중에 잘 깬다.

I was thinking of joining the volunteer club. 봉사 동아리에 가입할까 생각했었다.


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