스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 12. Planning a Date ( It ) as a placeholder


So, did you decide where you are going to take Jessica for dinner? / 데려갈지

I think we are going to a Spanish restaurant.
She likes trying different food, so that might be a good idea.

Oh, that sounds good, what else will you do?

Well, first we are going to eat dinner, and then take a stroll in the park. / 산책
Next week, we're going to watch a movie.

Why did you plan so much?
She might not be a good match for you.

I already met her before, and we got along. / got along 친해지다.
There is a reason that I want to go out with her, you know? / go out 데이트

I guess so. Well, it seems you have everything worked out. / 잘되다.

So far I do. But, I am worried about the movie.

What's wrong with the movie?

It's an action movie, and she likes romance movies.

Well, it's a good idea that you ask than guess.

Yeah, you're right.


Q. how is your dating plan going?

~하기가 기다려지다.  can't wait to ( see you)
긍정적인                 positive <-> negative
~에 대해 걱정되다.    be worried about (the weather/the food)
나는 ~를 바라다.       I hope ~

나는 스페인 레스토랑에서 빨리 음식을 먹고 싶어.
I can't wait to try the food at the Spanish restaurant.

나는 후기를 읽어봤는데 다 긍정적이야.
I've been reading reviews, and they have been all positive.

좀 긴장되지만 내 생각에 그녀도 좋아할 것 같아.
I'm a little nervous, but I think she will like it, too.

영화가 더 걱정이야. 지루하지 않기를 바래.
I'm more worried about the movie, I hope it's not boring.

Language Focus

'It' as a placeholder

Part I : It ... that 주어 + 동사

It is    true           that he loves you.
      surprising             they are underage. / 미성년자
      strange                I'm unemployed.    / 무직
      interesting            Leslie is teaching at PlanT.

Part II : I think/find it ... that 주어 + 동사

      가목적어                       진목적어
I think it   strange      that he doesn't want to talk to you.
              surprising   that they passed the test.
              wonderful   that she allowed you to do it.
              interesting  that he rejected the job offer.

Key sentences

1. It makes me happy that you're here.
   너가 여기 있다는 것이 나를 행복하게 만들어.

                              that you accept the job offer.
                              that you got a job.

2. It was strange that he didn't call me back.
   그가 나에게 전화를 다시 주지 않은게 이상했다.

                       that he didn't like me.
                       that everybody passed the test.

3. It is a fact that America has an obesity problem. / 비만 문제
   미국이 비만 문제를 갖고 있다는 것은 사실이다.

4. I think it strange that he suddenly changed his mind.
   그가 갑자기 마음을 바꾼것이 이상하다고 생각해.

                          that he rejected the job offer.

5. I find it surprising that he doesn't drink/smoke/study at all.
   그가 전혀 술을 마시지 않는다는 것은 놀라운일이야.

                            that he doesn't complaining it at all.



work out 잘풀리다.     good match 좋은 연인감
take a stroll 산책하다.

ethnic food 전통 음식       bistro 작은 식당
brewpub 맥주파는 선술집  diner 저녁 정찬

Common Expressions

I would like to book / reserve a table for two.
두 명 자리를 예약하고 싶은데요.

I'd like a table with a good view.
전망이 좋은 자리면 좋겠어요.

Please hold my reservation, if I'm a little late.
제가 조금 늦더라도 예약을 유지해 주세요.

I'm in the mood for something spicy.
뭔가 매콤한게 먹고 싶어요.

The restaurant doesn't take reservations.
그 식당을 예약을 받지 않아요.


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