스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 13. Dinner Date ( verb + that / if / whether + s + v ) relative pronouns


Wow, this food is great!

Yeah! I never had anything like this before.
Where did you hear about this restaurant?

My friend told me that Spanish food is really delicious.
I looked it up online to find some good places.
I thought that this place would be perfect for us.

It's surprising that this place isn't that crowded. Is it new?

I think this place has been opened for about a year now.
It got some great reviews online.
Not sure why it's not popular.

Maybe it's the location. It took us a while to find it actually.

Your're right. This area isn't really famous for a lot of delicious food,
so people probably head somewhere else.

Maybe we should recommend this place to others.

Yeah, that's a good idea.

I wonder what else they have on the menu that's good.

Let's get the cheesecake.
I read that it was awesome.

Oh, I love cheesecake!


Q. Tell me about your dinner date.

환성적인                fantastic
시도해 본적이 없다.  have never tried / 예문: I have never tried before.
음식을 맛있게 먹다.  enjoy the food.
~할 수 있다.            be able to

그 음식은 환상적이었어.
The food was fantastic.

전에 맛보지 못한 새로운 경험이었어.
It was such a new experience which I have never tried before.

제시카도 그 음식을 즐겨서 난 정말 행복해.
I'm really happy that Jessica enjoyed the food, too.

나는 그녀와 두 번째 데이트를 할 수 있었고 우리는 지금 영화보러 간다.
I was able to make a second date with her and now we are going to watch a movie.

Language Focus

'that, if, whether'
1. I think that s + v
2. I wonder if s + v
3. I consider whether s + v

Part I : I think that 주어 + 동사

I think that he is lying.

I don't think that he is lying.

Part II : I wonder if 주어 + 동사

I wonder          if the rumor is true. / they are home.
I wonder whether the rumor is true. / they are home.
I wonder whether the rumor is true or not. / they are home.
I wonder whether or not the rumor is true. / they are home.

Key sentences

1. I believe that ghosts exist. / I can take responsibility for that.
   나는 유령이 존재한다고 믿는다.

2. He agrees that the idea was bad. / they are telling the truth.
   그는 그 아이디어가 나뻤다는 것에 동의한다.

3. Would you tell me if there is another bus in thirty minutes?
   30분 후에 다른 버스가 있는지 말해줄래요?

4. I doubt if there's anyone from Asia in your class.
   나 너의 반에 아시아 사람 있는지 잘 모르겠어.

5. He is considering whether he should write a book or not.
   그는 그가 책을 써야 하는지 아닌지 궁금해 하고 있어.

                           whether he should apply for the company or not.
                           whether he should propose to her or not.
                           whether he should start studying english or not.



Utensils / silverware / cutlery  식기 / 은제품 / 주방용 칼
beverage 음료, apron 앞치마
(vegetables 야채)

Common Expressions

I'm a regular here. 나는 이 곳 단골이에요.

The fries are all you can eat. 튀김은 얼마든지 가져다 먹어도 됩니다.

I'm so hungry, I could eat a cow. 배가 너무 고파. 소 한 마리라도 삼킬 수 있겠다.

Could I get another glass of wine, please? 와인 한 잔 더 주시겠어요?

Would you like a taste? 시식해 보시겠어요?

I'll have some black coffee, please. 원두 커피 한 잔 주세요.


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