스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 07. First day in class ( whose ) relative pronoun


Excuse me, is this Psychology 101? / 심리학

Yeah, this is Psychology 101 with professor Smith.
Are you a psych major?

No, I'm still undeclared, but I have always been interested in psychology.
Are you?

Yeah, I'm a psych major,
I was told Professor Smith is one of the best in the field.

That's great to hear, I hope she is.
I can tell by the size of the class that she is popular.

Yeah, you should also check out professor Johnson's class.
I heard that's another good one.

Isn't he the professor whose son also attends this university?

Yep, his son is the same age as us.

Well, I guess I'll check it out,
but I probably will have to wait until next term.

You can still sit in the class, but you need the professor's permission.
If there's a drop within the first 2 weeks, you can probably get in.

Thanks for the advice, I'll look into that. / 살펴볼게

No worries, I'll probably be doing the same.


Q. Tell me about your first day in class.

수업에 가다.    go to class
늦잠을 자다.    sleep in / oversleep(모르고 늦잠을 잔 경우)
~이기 때문에   since
수업 첫 날       the first day of class

나는 오늘 수업하러 갔었다.
I went to class today.

아침 8시였고 나는 늦잠을 자고 싶었다.
It was at 8 in the morning, so I wanted to sleep in.

하지만 오늘은 수업 첫날이어서 가야 했다.
But, since it was the first day of class, I had to go.

교수님은 정말 친근하셨고 엄청 재미있었다.
The professor was really friendly and also very funny.

나는 그녀가 훌륭한 교수님이라 말할 수 있다.
I can tell she is a great professor.

Language Focus

Describing in detail II

관계대명사 소유격: whose + noun

1. I have a friend. + His nickname is Mr. Grumpy.
→ I have a friend whose nickname is Mr. Grumpy.
                        whose job is a english teacher.
                        whose last name is uncommon. / 특이한 성

2. I have a friend. + I worked with his brother.
→ I have a friend whose brother I worked with.
                        whose brother I had a drink with.
                        whose brother I date.
                        whose brother I went out with.

Key sentences

1. She gave me a card. + Its design was special.
→ She gave me a card whose design was special.

2. Do you know anyone? + His/Her father is a lawyer.
→ Do you know anyone whose father is a lawyer?
                                 whose job is uncommon?
                                 whose personality is so nice?

3. She wants to meet my friend. + His opinions are similar to hers.
→ She wants to meet my friend whose opinions are similar to hers.
                                           whose ideal type are similar to hers.

4. What is the name of your classmate? + The classmate's father is an American.
→ What is the name of your classmate whose father is an American?
                                                    whose family from America?

5. I met a lady. + Her daughter went to the same school as me.
→ I met a lady whose daughter went to the same school as me.
                    whose husband worked at the same company as my dad.



liberal arts 교양 과목,  podium 강단

Common Expressions

That professor is notorious for giving low grades.
저 교수님은 낮은 성적을 주시기로 악명이 높다.

The add / drop period is almost over.
(강의) 추가/드롭 기간이 거의 끝나간다.

Did you take the English placement test?
영어 과목 반 편성 시험을 치렀니?

This class should be an easy A.
이 수업은 A 받기 쉬운 수업이다.

The professor is well respected in her field.
그 교수님은 당신 분야에서 크게 인정 받고 계신다.


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