스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 11. Dating ( what, whatever ) noun clauses


What did you do yesterday?

I went to this bar, and I met this girl.
She's really pretty and cool.

Oh, did you get her number?

Yeah, I'm taking her out this weekend,
but I don't really know what I should do for our first date.

What is she like?

Well, I only talked to her for an hour.
She's not from the area, but she does have a lot of friends here.

You know what she likes to do?

She told me she likes going to different restaurants and watching movies.

What about her personality?

She's very cheerful and likes to joke around a lot.

Well, I bet whatever you decide on, she will like it.
She sounds like a nice person.

I hope so, but I'm so nervous!


Q. Tell me about the girl you dated.

데이트 신청을 하다.  ask/take (someone) out
~하기가 긴장되다.    be nervous about
오르지 못할 나무다.  out of my league
시도하다.               give it a shot/try

나는 정말 이 여자를 좋아하고 우리는 메신저로 대화해 왔다.
I really like this girl and we have been talking over messenger.

나는 그녀에게 데이트 신청하는 게 좀 긴장되,
왜냐하면 내 생각에 그녀는 내가 오르지 못할 나무일지 몰라.
I'm a little nervous about asking her out,
because I think she might be out of my league.

하지만 우리는 공통점이 많고 나는 한번 시도해 봐야 한다고 생각한다.
However, we have a lot in common, so I think I should give it a shot.

Language Focus

관계대명사 What

Part I : what + s + v ~하는 것

This is the thing that I want.
→ This is what I want.

Part II : whatever + s + v ~하는 것은 무엇이든

Do anything that you like.
→ Do whatever you like.
→ Take whatever you need.

Key sentences

1. What I need is a new pair of shoes./glasses./jeans./pants.
    내가 필요한 것은 새 구두 한켤레이다.

2. What I bought for her/parents was a coffee maker./a diamond ring./a nice car.
   내가 그녀를 위해 산 것은 커피 메이커 였다.

3. What I heard from my classmate was not surprising at all.
   내가 내 반친구로부터 들은 것은 전혀 놀랍지 않았다.

4. I always take pictures of what I eat./of myself./of nice view.
   나는 항상 내가 먹는 것의 사진들을 찍는다.

                                    what I saw in Europe.

5. I usually do whatever they ask of me./they ask sth of me.
   나는 보통 그들이 내게 부탁한 것 무엇이든 한다.

                                my mom asks of me.
                                my boyfriend asks of me.



secret admirer 짝사랑 하는 사람,       bae 자기가 좋아하는 것의 애칭
angel face      천진하고 귀여운 얼굴
alter ego        둘도없이 친한 친구

Common Expressions

I'll set you up with someone. 누구를 좀 소개 시켜줄게.

It was love at first sight. 첫눈에 반한 사랑이었다.

She looked at me and I just melted. 그녀가 나를 봤을 때 나는 마치 녹는 것 같았다.

She is playing hard to get. 그녀는 비싸게 굴어.


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