스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 09. Talking to the Professor ( when, where ) relative clauses


Hello, Professor Smith, thank you for seeing me.

No problem. Daisy, is it? How can I help you?

Well, I did terrible on the mid-term exam,
and I am worried that I might fail your class.

Let's see how you're doing... ah ha.
It look like you got a C on the mid-term.
You need a D to pass the class,
so I wouldn't worry too much.

But the final is worth over 40 percent of our grade,
and I don't want to risk anything.
Do you happen to have any extra credit assignments? 추가 학점 과제

There just happens to be an extra credit assignment.
You have to go to the research center and participate in a study.

Is there anything else I can do? I don't know when I'll have the time to go.

I'm afraid most of extra credit works are at the research center.
Afterwards, you have to write a report.
This can really help you with your grade.

Thank you, professor.
One last thing, is there any advice you can give me to help me study?

You should start studying a lot earlier,
so when you have read anything you don't understand,
you can ask me before the test.

Okay, thank you again. I'll be sure to study a lot harder this time.

Don't worry too much. I'm sure you will do fine.


Q. How are you doing with the test preparation?

중간 고사           mid-term
시험에 떨어지다.  fail the course
과제                  assignment
성적                  grade

나는 오늘 교수님과 중간고사에 대해 이야기 할 거야.
I am going to talk to my professor today about the mid-term.

나는 내가 시험을 너무 못봐서 이 과목을 낙제할 것 같아.
I did so bad that I am worried I will fail the course.

나는 내 성적에 도움이 되는 추가 과제가 있었으면 해.
I am hoping there will be some sort of extra credit assignment to help my grade.
                                         (kind of)

Language Focus

when and where

It is the time when s + v
It is the place where s + v

Part I : the time when ~

That was the time. + He was in the army at that time.
→ That was the time when he was in the army.

Part II : the place where `

This is the place. + We had our first date at this place.
→ This is the place where we had our first date.
                          where I first met him.

Key sentences

1. That was the time when I got very angry at my self. / get angry 열받다.
   그 때가 내가 나에게 매우 화났었던 때였지.

                            when I had a hard time getting over him. 그를 잊느라

2. Do you remember the day when we had a big argument? 대판 싸우다.
   너 우리 대판 싸웠던 그날 기억하니?

                                       when we had our first date?
                                       when I got fired? 해고 당한

3. I saw my friend at the place where I used to work.
   나 내가 일했었던 곳에서 내 친구를 봤다.

                                         where I studied for years.

4. She often goes to the cafe where she can get free internet.
   그녀는 프리 인터넷을 쓸 수 있는 카페에 자주 간다.

                    ~하고 싶은 기분이다.
5. I sometimes feel like going back to the town where I spent my childhood.
   나 가끔 내 어린시절 보냈던 그 동네로 돌아가고 싶은 기분이야.

                                                  the elementary school where I went.



academic adviser 지도 교수, suspension 정학
faculty 학과,                     transcript 성적 증명서


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