스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 05. The Wedding ( to have + p.p )


That was such a lovely ceremony.

Yeah, it was great but a little long.

I really liked it. The bridesmaid outfits were really beautiful,
and the groomsmen were all handsome.

They were definitely nice. I talked to the best man before everyone came in,
and he knew the groom since they were in elementary school.

Oh, wow. I don't think I know anyone still from elementary school.

Yeah, me too. Anyway, it was a good wedding.

I thought it was perfect. Lisa is so lucky to have met the perfect guy for her.
                                      운이 좋다.

They are a great match.

I wonder what they will be doing for the reception. / 피로연

After the dinner, they will be having a dance and then
some sort of activities. / 어떠한 활동

Oh, I really hope it's not something embarrassing. / 당황스런
I just want to go the after-party.


Q. How was your friend's wedding?

~(기간)동안에    during   / during the vacation.
                      for 숫자 / for 7 days.
                      while    / while I was walking at the park.
피로연             reception
좋은 연설         great speech
뒤풀이             after-party

나는 오늘 친구 결혼식에 갔는데 정말 사랑스러웠어
I went to my friend's wedding today and it was very lovely.

첫 번째로는 음악이 아주 멋졌어.
First, it had great music.

두 번째로는 피로연 중에 훌륭한 연설이 많았어.
Second, during the reception, there were a lot of great speechs.

마지막으로 뒤풀이가 아주 재미있었어.
Finally, the after-party was a lot of fun.

Language focus

Giving Reasons for Feelings

I'm happy.
I'm happy to do it. 나 그거 하게 되서 기분 좋다.

I'm happy to have done it. 나 그거 해서(과거) 기분 좋다.(현재)

to have + p.p

I'm happy to have gotten to know you. / get to know you. 너를 알게되다.
I'm happy to have gotten married to him. / get married to him. 그와 결혼하다.

1. I'm happy to have gotten promoted. / get promoted.
   나 승진해서 기분좋아.

2. I'm sorry to have missed your call. / to have bother you. 너를 귀찮게 해서
   당신 전화 못 받아서 미안해.

3. I'm excited to have found a job that I can use my skills.
   내 스킬들을 사용할 수 있는 직장을 찾게되어 신난다.
                                             that I wanted desperately. 간절히

4. She was sad not to have gotten scholarship. / 장학금
   그녀는 장학금 받지 못해서 기분이 좋지 않았다.
                    not to have passed the test.

5. He seems to have been interested in her. / to have broken up with her.
   그는 (과거에) 그녀에게 관심있었던 것처럼 보여.



bride 신부,    bridesmaid  신부 들러리
groom 신랑,  groomsman 신랑 들러리
maid of honor 대표 신부 들러리
newlyweds 갓 결혼한 신혼 부부
vows 혼인 서약

Common Expressoins

The groom is getting cold feet. 신랑이 떨고 있다.


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