스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 04. The Holidays ( want, allow, tell, ask ) 사역 동사(Causative verbs)


So, are you going down to Florida for Thanksgiving? / 플로리다로 내려갈거야?

Yeah, I already bought my ticket. I got one of the last seats.

Did you get the tickets for the train or bus?

I got it for the train. Last time I took a bus to Florida for the holidays,
it took over 10 hours.

Yeah, I'm so happy most of my family lives in Washington,
so I don't have to travel far.
What are you going to do about your dog?

I asked Pat to watch after my dog. He's also staying in town.

Oh, I wish you asked me! I really wanted to look after him.

I'm sorry. The next time I leave town, I'll ask you first.

                          그래도, ~이긴 하지만
I hope so! It's okay though, I'm going to have a lot of family time this holiday,
so maybe it was better that you have asked Pat.

Is Pat not going to see his family this year?

No, he'll be seeing them at Christmas instead.

I'm also planning to spend my Christmas with my family again.


Q. Tell me about your plans for Thanksgiving.

내 고향에       in my hometown
비행, 항공편    flight
비행기에서     on the (air)plane
~시 쯤          around 시간(숫자)

추수감사절에 나는 고향에 부모님을 뵈러 갈 것이다.
For Thanksgiving, I will go see my parents back in my hometown.

내 비행기는 8시이다. 그래서 정말 일찍 일어나야 한다.
My flight is at 8 AM, so I have to wake up really early.

그리고 나서 나는 6시 반까지 도착하기 위해 5시쯤 셔틀을 타야한다.
Then, I have to take the shuttle around 5 AM to get there by 6:30.

내 생각엔 비행은 6시간 정도이고 나는 비행기에서 잘 것 같다.
I think the flight is around 6 hours, so I guess I'll sleep on the plane.

Language Focus

Wants           필요한 것
Permissions    허가
Requests        요청, 요구

want / allow / tell / ask

I want you (not) to do it.
<동사+목적어+to do>

I want to do it.
나는 그것을 하기를 원한다.

I want you to do it. *
나는 네가 그것을 하기를 원한다.

allow       허락하다.
ask         부탁하다.
tell          말하다.
expect     예상하다. 기대하다.
advise     조언을 하다.
warn       경고하다.
persuade  설득하다.

Key sentences

1. I want him to stay quiet.
   나는 그가 조용히 하기를 원한다.

                      stay + a     stay healthy.  건강하다.
                            + p.p   stay focused. 집중하다.

2. I asked him to watch after my dog. / 돌보다.
   나는 그에게 내 개를 돌봐달라고 부탁했다.

   I asked him to lend me some money.
   I asked him to take a look at my assignment.

3. They told us to never give up.
   그들은 우리에게 결코 포기하지 말라고 얘기했다.

   They told us to tell the truth.
   They told us to take responsibility.

4. We allowed them to use our equipment.
   우리는 그들에게 우리 장비를 사용하도록 허락했다.

    We allowed them to leave early.

5. What do you expect him to do?
    너는 그가 무엇을 할거라고 기대하니?

    What do you want him to do?


Common Vocabulary

ghost town       과거 번창했으나 지금은 텅빈 소도시
nephew / niece  남자 / 여자 조카
ancestral ritual   조상에게 올리는 의례
road trip           자동차로 하는 여행

Common Expressions

Ten hour drive? I wouldn't want to be you.
10시간 운전이라고? 나는 너처럼 못하겠다.

Tickets for the KTX are all sold out.
KTX 탑승권이 완전히 매진되었다.

It's a tradition in my family.
그것은 내 가족의 전통이다.

My mother's steamed ribs are to die for.
우리 엄마의 갈비찜은 맛이 정말 끝내줘.

Don't wait till the last minute.
마지막 순간까지 기다리지 마.


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