스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 10. Farewell party ( why, how ) relative clauses


I can't believe it's already been a year.

Yeah I know. Time flew by so fast.

I wish we had more time here. ~했었더라면 좋았을텐데

Me too, but I'm also excited to see my family and friends again.

What are you going to do before you leave for Korea? ~로 떠나다.

Well, I'm going to eat everything that I can't have in Korea,
and then go to some places that I haven't been yet.

That's a good idea, tonight's party is going to be a lot of fun, too.

Yeah, I can't wait to see everyone at the party.
I'm going to miss everyone so much.
I now understand why my friends said I might cry.

Hopefully, some of us can visit you in Korea.
That'd be great, and you can show us how Korean people have a great time.

Awesome. I hope you all do. But, don't come during the winter,
I think the summer or fall is the best time.
A lot of people are out, and there are a lot of events going on.

Okay, I'll try to organize it with everyone. 
I guess there's no reason to be sad at the party now! ~할 필요가 없다.

Great! Hey, let's get going!
We're going to be late to our own farewell party!


Q. Tell me about the farewell party.

송별회                        a farewell party
여기 온지 (시간) 되었다.  it's been here for
~할 때다(시간이다)        it's time to
~에 감사하다.               be grateful for

오늘밤은 송별회다. 
Tonight is a farewell party.

나는 여기에 있은지 벌써 1년이 되었고 이제는 집에 돌아갈 시간이 되었다.
I've been here for already one year and now it's time to go back home.

나는 여기에 있던 시간에 정말 감사하게도 많은 친구들과 사귀었고 좋은 기억을 만들었다.
I made so many friends and memories that I am truly grateful for my time here.

나는 여기 있는 나의 모든 친구들과 연락하려고 노력할 것이고
I'm going to try to keep in touch with all my friends here,

친구들 중 몇 명은 한국에 있는 나를 보러 방문해 주기를 바란다.
and I hope that some of them can visit me in Korea.

Language Focus

관계사 why and how

Part I : the reason why ~

That is the reason. + He left me.
→ That is the reason why he left me.

Part II : the way ~ or how ~

This is the way. + I live.
→ This is the way I live. / This is the way I get home.
→ This is how I live. / This is how I get home.

Key sentences

1. I didn't know the reason why my teacher had to leave school.
   나 내 선생님이 학교를 떠나야만 했던 이유를 몰랐었다.

                                    why you had to leave me.
                                    why they got fired.

2. This is why I'm your only friend.
   이것이 내가 너의 유일한 친구인 이유야.

             why I learn english.
             why I make money.
             why I look for a job.

That's why. 그게 그 이유야.

3. He always wonders why he has such a bad luck.
   그는 그가 그렇게 운이 좋지 않은 이유를 항상 궁금해 한다.

                             why he has no girl friend. / he doesn't have a girl friend.
                             why they are popular.

4. This is the way she cooks spaghetti.
   이것이 그녀가 스파게티를 요리하는 방법이다.

                        I memorize the english words very fast.
                        I can remember people's names very easily.

5. Do you know the way she made a good impression in the meeting?
   너 그녀가 회의에서 좋은 인상을 남긴 방법을 아니?

                                 she got good grades on the final?



bachelor party 총각파티,    hangout 여럿이 자주 함께 어울리는 곳
costume party 변장파티,    black tie affair 정장 차림 파티
slumber party 파자마 파티, guest of honor 내빈, 귀빈
reunion 동창회

Common Expressions

The birthday boy is coming now. 생일의 주인공이 오고 있다.

I will cherish the memories we had together. 우리가 함께한 기억을 소중히 간직할거야.

Don't forget to keep in touch. 연락하는거 잊지마

Don't feel down. We'll see each other soon. 슬퍼하지마. 우리 곧 다시 만날거야.

I look forward to seeing you again. 다시 너를 만나길 기대한다.

Time flies by when you're having fun. 즐거울 때는 시간이 쏜살같이 지나간다.


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