스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 18. Changing Flight Time ( more than, rather than ) Comparatives


Hello, I want to change my flight time.

May I have your flight number, your card security code,
and the name that appears on your credit card?

My flight number is F41122B. The Security code is 112,
and the name is Evy P. Jang.

Okay, give me a moment please...
Currently, your flight  is for 10 AM, Saturday, 28th of March.
And what time would you like to change that to?

I would like to change it to 4 PM the same day. Will there be a penalty?

There will be a charge of 100 dollars.
Would you like to confirm the change?

100 dollars? Why is it so expensive? It is more than I thought.

There is a 24 hour period when you purchase your ticket
where you won't be charged. It looks like you have purchased your ticket a week ago,
so I'm afraid you have passed the grace period. / 유예기간

Okay... I will make the change anyways.

I will go ahead and make the changes and you will receive your itinerary via email.
Is there anything else can do for you, today?

No, thank you.

Have a great day.


Q. Tell me about the time when you changed flight schedule.

비행 시간을 바꾸다. change the flight time
~을 변경한 다음에  After I make a change ~
추가로 ~을 내다.    pay (an) extra ~
바가지 썼어.          It's a rip off

나는 지금 매우 화났어.
I'm really upset right now.

나는 아침에 엄마를 위해 뭔가를 해야 했기 때문에 비행 시간을 바꿔야 했어.
I had to change my flight time because I had to do something for my mom in the morning.

변경한 다음에 나보고 추가로 백 달러 더 내야 한대.
After I made the changes, they told me I have to pay an extra 100 dollars!

완전 바가지 썼어.
It's such a rip off.

Language Focus

Make Comparisons

'더 (어떠) 하다'

1. big → bigger than
2. crowded → more crowded than

비교급 : 더 (어떠)하다.

1. 1 음절
It's big.           → It's (a lot, much / a little) bigger. than ~
He works hard. → He works harder. than ~

2. 2 음절 이상
It's crowded.          → It's more crowded. than ~
She drives carefully. → She drives more carefully. than ~

3. 규칙없음
That's good. → That's better. than ~
This is bad.  → This is worse. than ~

The 비교급(형/부), the 비교급(형/부) : 더 ~할 수록, 더 ~하다.

1. The more, the better.

2. The less you spend, the more you can save.

3. The more questions he asked, the more nervous I felt.

Key Sentences

1. Studying together is (much) easier than studying alone.
    함께 공부하는 것이 혼자 하는 것보다 훨씬 더 쉽다.

2. They talk (a lot) less nowadays.
   그들은 요즘 훨씬 더 적게 얘기한다.

3. We ate/drank (a little) more than them.
   우리는 그들보다 좀 더 먹었다.

4. The more you exercise, the healthier you will be.
   너는 더 많이 운동할 수록, 너는 더 건강해질거야.

                                          A  rather than B
5. She preferred dating a rich man rather than a handsome man. *
   그녀는 핸섬한 남자보다 부유한 남자와 데이트하는 것을 선호한다.



frequent flyer 특정 항공사 단골 고객

Common Expressions

Will I get a full refund? 전액 환불 받을 수 있나요?

May I speak with your supervisor, please? 매니저와 얘기하겠어요.

Make sure you read the small (fine) print. 작게 쓰인 세부항목을 잘 읽어보세요.


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