스피킹 챌린지 II - Unit 12. Bar ( go, get, become and turn )

Dialogue #1

Hey Terry. Do you want the usual?

No, I'll try something new today.

We got some new beer. You should try them out. / 먹어봐.

It looks like this place changed a lot. Let me see...
I'll try this British beer.

Great choice. The new owner is British, and that's his favorite.

I think this place will be getting a lot more popular soon. / 점점 더 인기있어지다.

* I love to try local food. / 나 지역 음식 먹어 보고 싶어.
   I tried it before, but it was not my style.
   You have to try it first! It's super delicious.

Dialogue #2

Hey, I was here last night and I left my scarf. I got really drunk,
and I don't quite remember what happend.
Do you happen to have it?

Let me check. What color is it?

It's grey and white.

Okay, here it is. So, did you have a good time?

From what I remember, everything was great.
The new owner really turned this place into the best place in town. / A를 B로 바꾸다.

That's great to hear. Let all your friends know about it.

* I left my phone in the taxi.
   I left my wallet at home.
   I left my debit card in the ATM machine. / debit card(체크 카드)

Language Focus

Describing a change

상태의 변화를 의미하는 동사: get, turn, go, become

현재(변하기 전) 상태    변화 중인 상태        
1. It is dark.                      It's getting dark.
                                         날이 어두워지고 있다.
2. His face is red.             His face turns red.
                                         그의 얼굴이 붉게 변하고 있다.
3. She is a teacher.           She became a teacher.
                                         그녀는 선생님이 되었다.
4. He is blind.                   He went blind.
                                         그는 눈이 멀어졌다.

* get used to it :그것에 적응하다.

Key sentences

    What do you want to become?
1. Her sister wants to become a singer.

2. His face turns red when he's angry. / when he talks to a girl.

3. I got better at playing the piano. / at cooking. / at thinking. / at memorizing words.
    I am good at it. 현재 잘한다.

4. I went blank when the teacher asked me a question. / when the interviewer.
    나느 머리 속이 깜깜해졌어.

5. The vegetables will go bad if you don't put them in the fridge now. / in the refrigerator.


Common Expressions

We got great service.
우리는 훌륭한 서비스를 받았다.

Can I have it on the rocks?
얼음 좀 넣어 주실래요?

I like fruity drinks.
나는 과일맛 주류를 좋아해.


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