스피킹 챌린지 II - Unit 13. Study Room ( give, send, lend, make and buy )

Dialogue #1

Hi, I would like to reserve a room to study. / make a reservation / book

Okay, so I will need your student ID card.

Sure. Also, can you give this book to my friend when he gets here.

No problem.

Here's my ID card.

Thank you. And, here's the key to the study room.

* I would like to ask you a favor. 너에게 부탁할게 하나 있어.
   I would like to answer that question. 그 질문에 제가 답변하고 싶어요.
   I would like to invite you over. 너를 초대하고 싶어.

Dialouge #2

Hey Terry, take a look at this. / 이것 한 번 봐봐.
Sarah lent me her notes, so we can study.

That's great. Her notes are a lot better than mine. / 훨씬 더 좋아.

Hopefully, we will do a lot better this time around. / 이번에 엄청 더 잘할거야.

Yeah, I don't want to pull any more all-nighters. / 더 이상 밤샘 공부하기 싫어.

I agree, I hope those days are behind us now. / 이런 날들이 빨리 지나갔으면 좋겠어.

Let's get to it. / 자 해보자.

* Can you lend me your laptop? (대가없이 빌릴경우)
   I want to borrow your car today. (대가없이 빌릴경우)
   I'll loan you the money. (돈을 빌린 후 융자 갚아갈 경우)
   I think I need to rent a car while I stay here. (돈을 주고 물건을 빌릴 경우)

Language Focus

수여동사(gieve, lend, send, buy) ~에게 ~을 주다.

Part I: Give, Send, Lend, Offer

He gave me that.        your message./your package.
He gave that to me.    some money.
                                   a hand.

Part II: Buy, Make, Cook, Get

He bought me that.        a nice dinner.
He bought that for me.  a plane ticket.
                                      a jacket.
                                      an apartment.

Key sentences

1. Who gave you the notes? / permission? / the information? / the tip?
    누가 그 노트 너에게 준거야?

2. I made her dinner for our date.
    I make dinner for her for our date.

3. Did you buy anything(something) for Leslie? / for me? / for your parents?
    뭐 좀 샀어?
    What did you buy?
    뭐 샀어?

4. Her parents will buy her a car when she moves out. / when she gets merried.

5. They didn't give me any notice about the changes.

Speaking practice

How was it to ~ ? ~하는 건 어땠나요?

How was it to go there?
                       watch the movie?
                       learn Chinese?
                       visit your grandparents?

1. 지난 밤에 연극 본 것은 어땠어?
    How was it to see the play last night?

2. 캐나다 여행은 어땠어?
    How was it to travel around Canada?

It depends on ~ 그것은 ~에 달려 있어요.

It depends on where it is.
                      where we go on vacation.
                      what he's doing later.
                      why he got upset.
                      how often we meet.
                      when I get there.
                      what time the move starts.


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