스피킹 챌린지 II - Unit 14. Bank (make, have, get - 사역동사)

Dialogue #1

How may I help you today?

My parents had me bring a lot of Korean won to America.
And, I need US dollars now. Does this bank do currency exchange?

Yes, we do. How much would you like to convert?

I have two million won on me. How much will come out to be?

Let's see... that'll be 1,800 US dollars.

Okay, here you go.

Dialogue #2

Hello, I was told you would like to transfer some money to Korea.

Yes, Is it a difficult process?

It is not too difficult process, but you need to bring some documents, such as your Korean bank account information and the application form.

I see. Is there a transfer fee?

Yes there is. It will be 30 dollars to make an international transfer, and it should take roughly three to four business days.

Thank you. I'll be right back with the documents.

Language Focus

1. make + someone + do
    I made him clean the house. (강요! 반드시 해라.)
    I made him tell the truth.
    They can't make you work (that) late.  

2. have + someone + do
    I had him clean the house. (부탁! 해주세요.)
    She had a cleaning lady polish the floor.

3. get + someone + do
    I got him to clean the house. (설득!)
    He got his wife to spend less money on clothing. / spend money on  ~ 하는데 돈을 쓰다.
    I got him to quit smoking.

Let's review

1. 내가 걔한테 진실을 말하게 했어.(make)
    I made him tell the truth.

2. 그들은 너를 그렇게 늦게까지 일 시키면 안돼.(make)
    They can't make you work (that) late.

3. 그는 와이프가 옷에 돈을 덜 쓰도록 시켰어.(get)
    He got his wife to spend less money on clothing.

4. 내가 걔 담배 귾게 했어.(get)
    I got him to quit smoking.

5. 그녀는 청소 아주머니 시켜서 바닥을 닦았어.(have)
    She had a cleaning lady polish the floor.

Speaking practice.

1. How come ~? 어떻게 ~한 건가요? / 왜 ~인 건가요?
    How come She's here?
    How come She dosen't call me?

2. How do I ~? ~을 어떻게 해야 하나요?
    How do I address you?
    How do I eat this dish?

Key Expressions

1. How much will that come out to be? 얼마인가요?

2. Is there a transfer fee? 송금 수수료가 있나요?
    Is there an entrance fee?
    Are there any problems?


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