2018의 게시물 표시

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 20. Local Advice ( the ~est, one of the ~est, there is nothing ~ ) superlatives

Dialogue Hello, pardon me. May I ask for your help? Sure. How can I help you? I'm trying to find a place that is famous for pho. / 쌀국수 Can you make any recommendation? Go to Saigon Palace. They make the best pho I have ever tasted. Thank you so much, I've been dying to try a place where locals go. After lunch, you should go to the pier, / 부두 a lot of college students go there for drinks and the scenery. / 풍경 Go to the Ocean Bar and you can meet a lot of people that might want to help you out. How do you get there? From the noodle shop, you have to take a taxi or a bus. It should only take 20 minutes. (Is there) Anything else I should see before I leave the country? There are many museums, beaches, and restaurants, but my favorite has been the Cu Chi tunnels. I'll try to check out as much as I can. You won't regret it. Monologue Q. What kind of advice did you get from the local? 본토의, 본토인           local 조언을 주다.              give advice

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 19. Lost Bag ( as .. as, not as... as, twice as ... as ) Comparatives

Dialogue I have a couple of questions, is this the right place to ask? Yes, it is, ma'am. What are your questions? Well first, my bag has not come out yet, and I have been waiting for a while. Can you tell me what happened? Let me check real quick, just wait a moment, please... Okay, well, it seems that there was a complication. They were checking the contents because they thought something was wrong with them. Really? I just have clothes in there. I'm sure I didn't bring anything I'm not supposed to. You can go to the baggage claim office of your airline and talk to them about the matter. Is there anything else I can help you with? Also, I need to get to this address, and I was wondering what the best way to get there is. May I have the address, please... thank you... well, this is in downtown, and I recommend taking the bus. It will take as long as the taxi, but it will be a lot cheaper. Thank you, and where can I go to take the bus? After you

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 18. Changing Flight Time ( more than, rather than ) Comparatives

Dialogue Hello, I want to change my flight time. May I have your flight number, your card security code, and the name that appears on your credit card? My flight number is F41122B. The Security code is 112, and the name is Evy P. Jang. Okay, give me a moment please... Currently, your flight  is for 10 AM, Saturday, 28th of March. And what time would you like to change that to? I would like to change it to 4 PM the same day. Will there be a penalty? There will be a charge of 100 dollars. Would you like to confirm the change? 100 dollars? Why is it so expensive? It is more than I thought. There is a 24 hour period when you purchase your ticket where you won't be charged. It looks like you have purchased your ticket a week ago, so I'm afraid you have passed the grace period. / 유예기간 Okay... I will make the change anyways. 진행하겠습니다. I will go ahead and make the changes and you will receive your itinerary via email. Is there anything else can do for you, t

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 17. Travel Plans ( although, even though, though )

Dialogue I finally bought the ticket and reserved a room. It was a lot cheaper than I thought. You said you were going to Vietnam? Yeah, it only cost like 560,000 won for the flight and a room for 4 days. 와우,  그거 거져처럼 들린다. Wow, that sounds like a steal. I wish I was brave enough to travel by myself, although it seems so intimidating. / 겁을 주는 I know what you mean, but it's also exciting. How much do you think the entire trip will cost you? I think it shouldn't be more than 700,000 won. I heard the food is very cheap. Compared to you, I don't seem adventurous. You love to bungee jump and skydive, though. I think traveling by yourself is less scary. Next time, let's go somewhere together. I think I can go somewhere cheap. Yeah, let's go somewhere cheap. However, I have to warn you, by going cheap we have to stay at hostels and stuff. That's okay. I actually like hostels. Monologue Q. Tell me about your travel plans. (돈이 얼마)~나오

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 16. Where to travel ( while, during, for, both, neither, either )

Dialogue You know, I feel like I should travel a lot more this year. You should go somewhere in Southeast Asia. Have you ever traveled there? Yeah, I traveled to a lot of places during college and one of them was Vietnam. What is there to do in Vietnam? There are a lot to do. For example, you can go to all the different markets and try out the food, or you can go island hopping. / 이섬 저섬 옮겨다니면서 여행 I see, Hmmm... well I'm wondering how many other people would want to go with me. Go alone. Traveling by yourself is really fun. Isn't it dangerous to travel by yourself though? It can be dangerous, so you should research and be careful where you go. I'll think about it. It does sound appealing. / 강조                        그거 정말 호소력 있는(맞는) 것 처럼 들려. While you are researching, remember to check the weather, too! Monologue Q. Tell me about the place where you want to travel. 긴 대화를 나누다.          have a long talk <-> small talk ~동안 ~로 여행을 가다. 

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 15. Relationship ( since, because, as, as a result )

Dialogue So, how are things going with Jessica?      how is it going It's going pretty well. We have been dating for a month. Are you going to ask her to be your girlfriend? I don't know yet, I really like her, but that's a big commitment to me. / 전념, 헌신 Well, think of pros and cons. 장단 Okay, we have a lot in common. We can usually talk for hours and it feels like such a short time. What about the cons? Hmm... well, sometimes I get really frustrated because she takes forever to decide on something. That doesn't sound so bad. Yeah, most of the time we make each other laugh, so it's not that big of a deal. / 그렇게 큰 문제는 아니야. I think you're thinking way too much about it. You two should be a couple since you like her a lot. I guess you're right. Monologue Q. How is it going with Jessica? ~와 데이트 하고 있다.  have been dating someone /seeing someone ~개월 동안                for 숫자 month(s) 연애 중이다.              be in a relationship

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 14. Date at the movies ( 의문사 + S + V ) Indirect questions.

Dialogue What did you think of the movie? I thought it was great. I have seen the main actor somewhere. Do you know who that guy is ?                               S     V He was the guy who was the villain in Superman. / the villain 악당 That's right! I couldn't stop wondering where I saw him before. Yeah, he's really famous, and he usually plays bad guys. I think he plays a bad guy better than a good guy. I think so, too. Next week, let's watch another movie. There's a romance movie that I have been waiting for months to see. What day do you want to go? Let's go on Saturday, I think it'd be a lot better than Friday. Okay, but let's watch it a little earlier. Great, looking forward to it! Monologue Q. Tell me about your date at the movies. 고맙게도           thankfully ~할만큼 착하다.  sweet enough to 불평하다.           complain 좋은 시간 보내다. have a great time 아.. 그 영화 정말 지루했어. Oh man... The movie was really boring. 그런데 고맙게도 제시

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 13. Dinner Date ( verb + that / if / whether + s + v ) relative pronouns

Dialogue Wow, this food is great! Yeah! I never had anything like this before. Where did you hear about this restaurant? My friend told me that Spanish food is really delicious. I looked it up online to find some good places. I thought that this place would be perfect for us. It's surprising that this place isn't that crowded. Is it new? I think this place has been opened for about a year now. It got some great reviews online. Not sure why it's not popular. Maybe it's the location. It took us a while to find it actually. Your're right. This area isn't really famous for a lot of delicious food, so people probably head somewhere else. Maybe we should recommend this place to others. Yeah, that's a good idea. I wonder what else they have on the menu that's good. Let's get the cheesecake. I read that it was awesome. Oh, I love cheesecake! Monologue Q. Tell me about your dinner date. 환성적인                fantastic 시도

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 12. Planning a Date ( It ) as a placeholder

Dialogue So, did you decide where you are going to take Jessica for dinner? / 데려갈지 I think we are going to a Spanish restaurant. She likes trying different food, so that might be a good idea. Oh, that sounds good, what else will you do? Well, first we are going to eat dinner, and then take a stroll in the park. / 산책 Next week, we're going to watch a movie. Why did you plan so much? She might not be a good match for you. I already met her before, and we got along . / got along 친해지다. There is a reason that I want to go out with her, you know? / go out 데이트 I guess so. Well, it seems you have everything worked out. / 잘되다. So far I do. But, I am worried about the movie. What's wrong with the movie? It's an action movie, and she likes romance movies. Well, it's a good idea that you ask than guess. Yeah, you're right. Monologue Q. how is your dating plan going? ~하기가 기다려지다.  can't wait to ( see you) 긍정적인                 positive <

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 11. Dating ( what, whatever ) noun clauses

Dialogue What did you do yesterday? I went to this bar, and I met this girl. She's really pretty and cool. Oh, did you get her number? Yeah, I'm taking her out this weekend, but I don't really know what I should do for our first date. What is she like? Well, I only talked to her for an hour. She's not from the area, but she does have a lot of friends here. You know what she likes to do? She told me she likes going to different restaurants and watching movies. What about her personality? She's very cheerful and likes to joke around a lot. Well, I bet whatever you decide on , she will like it. She sounds like a nice person. I hope so, but I'm so nervous! Monologue Q. Tell me about the girl you dated. 데이트 신청을 하다.  ask/take (someone) out ~하기가 긴장되다.    be nervous about 오르지 못할 나무다.  out of my league 시도하다.               give it a shot/try 나는 정말 이 여자를 좋아하고 우리는 메신저로 대화해 왔다. I really like this girl and we have been talking over mes

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 10. Farewell party ( why, how ) relative clauses

Dialogue I can't believe it's already been a year. Yeah I know. Time flew by so fast. I wish we had more time here. ~했었더라면 좋았을텐데 Me too, but I'm also excited to see my family and friends again. What are you going to do before you leave for Korea? ~로 떠나다. Well, I'm going to eat everything that I can't have in Korea, and then go to some places that I haven't been yet. That's a good idea, tonight's party is going to be a lot of fun, too. Yeah, I can't wait to see everyone at the party. I'm going to miss everyone so much. I now understand why my friends said I might cry. Hopefully, some of us can visit you in Korea. That'd be great, and you can show us how Korean people have a great time. Awesome. I hope you all do. But, don't come during the winter, I think the summer or fall is the best time. A lot of people are out, and there are a lot of events going on. Okay, I'll try to org

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 09. Talking to the Professor ( when, where ) relative clauses

Dialogue Hello, Professor Smith, thank you for seeing me. No problem. Daisy, is it? How can I help you? Well, I did terrible on the mid-term exam, and I am worried that I might fail your class. Let's see how you're doing... ah ha. It look like you got a C on the mid-term. You need a D to pass the class, so I wouldn't worry too much. But the final is worth over 40 percent of our grade, and I don't want to risk anything. Do you happen to have any extra credit assignments? 추가 학점 과제 There just happens to be an extra credit assignment. You have to go to the research center and participate in a study. Is there anything else I can do? I don't know when I'll have the time to go. I'm afraid most of extra credit works are at the research center. Afterwards, you have to write a report. This can really help you with your grade. Thank you, professor. One last thing, is there any advice you can give me to help me study? You should start study

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 08. Stress over tests ( N + to infivitive / ing / p.p )

Dialogue Are you ready for tomorrow's mid-term? I'm definitely not ready for it. I took this class to improve my GPA, / Great Point Average but I think I might fail the entire course. You shouldn't think like that! What are you having trouble understand ing ? / have trouble ~ing ~하는데 어려움을 겪다. I don't understand this chapter at all. It's so complicated. Okay, I'll lend you my notes. Thanks. But, do you think it'll help? I took notes, too. But I still don't get it. Well, I wrote down what I thought to be the most important parts. Just memorize it and you will do fine. I'll try. How come you're not stressed out over this test?          어떻게/어째서 I've been doing well in class, and also, I went to the professor's office to get some advice. Oh, did you? I should've done that! 나도 그랬어야 했는데 What advice did he give you? He told me to read some articles regarding the topic. I can send you an email with all the s

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 07. First day in class ( whose ) relative pronoun

Dialogue Excuse me, is this Psychology 101? / 심리학 Yeah, this is Psychology 101 with professor Smith. Are you a psych major? No, I'm still undeclared, but I have always been interested in psychology. Are you? Yeah, I'm a psych major, I was told Professor Smith is one of the best in the field. That's great to hear, I hope she is. I can tell by the size of the class that she is popular.    (sure) Yeah, you should also check out professor Johnson's class. I heard that's another good one. Isn't he the professor whose son also attends this university? Yep, his son is the same age as us. Well, I guess I'll check it out, but I probably will have to wait until next term. You can still sit in the class, but you need the professor's permission. If there's a drop within the first 2 weeks, you can probably get in. Thanks for the advice, I'll look into that. / 살펴볼게 No worries, I'll probably be doing the same. Monologue

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 06. Meeting the roommate ( who, which, that ) relative pronoun

Dialogue Hello, my name is Tim. Are you Phil? Yes I am, nice to meet you Tim. So, where are you from? I'm from Seoul, how about you? I'm from Hong Kong. My family moved to LA a year ago. Oh that's cool. I've always wanted to visit LA. Have you met anyone else from the hall? / hall 기숙사 I only met the guy who was handing the welcome packs to us. Oh, that's Ryan. He's going to be our RA. What's an RA? It stands for residential advisor. / stands for: 의미하다. RA: 기숙사 감독자(사감) Anything we need help with, we can talk to him. That's really usefull to know. I'm about to head outside / be about to ~하려고 하다. and see what this campus has to offer. Do you want to join? Sure, I actually know someone who knows this campus really well. We can also ask him to show us around. Let's go! Monologue Q. Tell me about your new roommate. ~해 보인다.   seem like 공통으로       in common 이따 밤에      later tonight 저녁을 먹다.  have dinner 나는 오늘 내

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 05. The Wedding ( to have + p.p )

Dialogue That was such a lovely ceremony. Yeah, it was great but a little long. I really liked it. The bridesmaid  outfits were really beautiful, and the groomsmen were all handsome. They were definitely nice. I talked to the best man before everyone came in, and he knew the groom since they were in elementary school. Oh, wow. I don't think I know anyone still from elementary school. Yeah, me too. Anyway, it was a good wedding. I thought it was perfect. Lisa is so lucky to have met the perfect guy for her.                                       운이 좋다. They are a great match. I wonder what they will be doing for the reception. / 피로연 After the dinner, they will be having a dance and then some sort of activities. / 어떠한 활동 Oh, I really hope it's not something embarrassing. / 당황스런 I just want to go the after-party. Monologue Q. How was your friend's wedding? ~(기간)동안에    during   / during the vacation.                       for 숫자 / for 7 days

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 04. The Holidays ( want, allow, tell, ask ) 사역 동사(Causative verbs)

Dialogue So, are you going down to Florida for Thanksgiving? / 플로리다로 내려갈거야? Yeah, I already bought my ticket. I got one of the last seats. Did you get the tickets for the train or bus? I got it for the train. Last time I took a bus to Florida for the holidays, it took over 10 hours. Yeah, I'm so happy most of my family lives in Washington, so I don't have to travel far. What are you going to do about your dog? I asked Pat to watch after my dog. He's also staying in town. Oh, I wish you asked me! I really wanted to look after him. I'm sorry. The next time I leave town, I'll ask you first.                           그래도, ~이긴 하지만 I hope so! It's okay though, I'm going to have a lot of family time this holiday, so maybe it was better that you have asked Pat. Is Pat not going to see his family this year? No, he'll be seeing them at Christmas instead. I'm also planning to spend my Christmas with my family again. Monolo

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 03. The Job Interview ( Verb + to infinitive / ~ing )

Dialogue Are you Ms. Daisy Lee? Yes, I am. Right this way please... Did you have any trouble find ing this place? / 찾는데 어려움이 있었나요? 이쪽으로 오세요. No, the directions were very simple. So, what are you looking for in a job? I want to find a job where I can gain experience. I also want to grow in the company. That sounds great. We are looking for someone who can be a team player. Do you like to work in a team or by yourself? To be honest , I like being part of a team, but sometimes I like to work by myself. 솔직히 말하면, I understand. Do you have any questions for me at the moment? I was curious to know if you offer any benefits. / curious 궁금한 Yes. You will get a pension plan, health insurance, and a retirement plan.                           연금 That sounds great. Monologue Q. Why do you want to work for this company? 몇 가지의 이유로   ~ for several reasons 면접을 보다.            get a job interview 같은 분야의             in the same field 월급이 좋다.            salary is c

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 02. Commuting ( like, dislike, desire, plan ) + to 부정사(to infinitive)/동명사(ing)

Dialogue I really hate driving to campus. How long is your commute? It's around one hour. I don't really live that far from campus. It's just that I hit traffic at rush hour. You should take a subway. I hate taking a subway. There are so many people and I have to do a lot of transfers. But, doesn't it save your time? I only save then minutes. I don't think it's worth it. You should move closer to school. I moved last month and I only have to walk 15 minutes to campus. Hmmm... I'll think about that. Also, Pat bought a bike and it only takes him five minutes to get to his first class. He lives farther than I do. / 나보다 더 멀리 살아. That doesn't sound like such a bad idea. I'll look up apartments in the area when I get home. Good luck! Monologue Q. How do you commute? 교통체증                     traffic ~하는 것이 불가능하다.  It's impossible to ~ 주차자리                     parking spot 통근, 통학하다.             commute 나는 매일 학교에

스피킹 챌린지 III - Unit 01. Daily Routine ( see / hear / feel / find ) 지각동사

Dialogue What do you usually do in the morning? / on the weekend? I get up really early, and the first thing I do is drinking coffee. / taking a shower. / having breakfast. What about you? I usually get up around 7 AM and then get ready. Do you eat breakfast? I do. I heard someone says breakfast is the most important meal, so I try to eat it every day. My first meal of the day is usually at lunchtime. 유감스럽게도 Unfortunately, I have classes at noon. One time, I skipped breakfast and I didn't eat until 9 o'clock at night! I felt my stomach rumbling the whole day. / 하루 종일 꼬르륵 소리나다. Really? That sounds awful. / 정말 끔찍하다. Yeah, it was pretty bad. What do you do in the evenings? I'm at home studying, or I'm at the gym. Wow, you're pretty healthy. I'm usually in bed watching TV. You should exercise more! Monologue Q. Tell me about your morning routine. ~시쯤에 일어나다.  get up around 시간 / wake up / at 시간 바로                    right after

스피킹 챌린지 II - Unit 10. Beach ( exciting vs excited )

Dialogue #1 Did you check the weather? Yeah, it's going to be sunny all day . I can't wait. I've been excited all week. I was so bored at home. / 사람이 주어인 경우 + ed (have be+pp: 흥분된 상태)        (be+pp: 지루한 상태, 형용사) Me, too. I thought winter was relax ing , but I really want to surf. / 사물이 주어인 경우 + ing                                     I'm going to just relax and maybe throw a fooball around. I hope everyone has a good time. * I think it's going to rain today. / rain 동사    It's going to be a rainy day today. / a rainy day 명사    It's going to be hot and humid .    It's going to be foggy this weekend. / foggy(안개 낀) Dialogue #2 Look at the waves! The weather is perfect, and the beach isn't too crowded. Yeah, let's set up right over there. I'll do that, and why don't you get the beach umbrellas? Okay, Can you also call the others to make sure they're not lost? Sure thing. 당연하지 * This pasta is perfe